School History
By Brother Charles Boglitz, SM (1989)
Junipero Serra High School, an archdiocesan school for boys located in Gardena, California, was established by Cardinal McIntyre, Archbishop of Los Angeles, in 1950, and confided to the Society of Mary (Marianists), an international religious Congregation, comprised of priests and Brothers, noted for its excellent schools. Of French origin, Father William Joseph Chaminade, a diocesan priest, at Bordeaux, France, founded the congregation in 1817. Living during the bloody days of the French Revolution, Father Chaminade barely escaped with his life. Almost daily, he passed the tumbrels carting victims to the guillotine. The Founder was still alive when the First Marianists arrived in America on July 4, 1849 . . .
The call to Southern California came from Msgr. Nicholas Conneally, pastor of St. Monica's Church, Santa Monica. He had a flourishing high school conducted by the Sisters of the Holy Names. Wishing to have religious men on the staff, he contacted the Marianist Provincial in Dayton, Ohio. At the time the Marianists did not teach girls, so the provincial was reluctant to grant his request. However, the pastor, promising to build a boys' school, soon made the provincial relent. Three Marianists began teaching at the school in 1946. Two years passed and there was no sign of a boys' school. The Brothers were withdrawn.
When Father Tredtin visited Archbishop McIntyre in 1948 to inform him of the removal of the Brothers, the latter was making plans to build several high schools. In the course of their conversation, the archbishop offered the Society of Mary one of these schools. Wishing to remain in the archdiocese, the Provincial readily accepted the offer. After consulting with his council, the Provincial agreed to staff the school planned for Gardena.
The school was named in honor of Junipero Serra, that intrepid Apostle of California. Father Serra, a zealous and courageous missionary who traveled the length of California, and founded the Missions, was born on the Island of Majorca, November 24, 1713. After his ordination as a Franciscan, he taught philosophy and theology with great distinction at the Lullian University at Palma. In 1749, he volunteered for the Missions of the New World and sailed for Mexico to enter the Apostolic College of San Fernando. For the next eighteen years, he zealously labored at various Missions in Baja California. In 1767, when the Spanish governor exiled the Jesuits from Baja California, Father Serra was named president of the Missions there. Two years later, at the age of fifty-five and afflicted with an ulcerous leg, he set out on an expedition with Portola, traveling almost a thousand miles and landing at San Diego where he founded his first Mission. For the remainder of his life, he traveled the length of the State, founding eight additional Missions. Worn out by excessive toil, he died at Carmel, on August 27, 1784, at the age of seventy-one. A signal honor was accorded him in 1913. His statue was placed in the Hall of Fame in the Capitol at Washington. In 1934, at the request of the bishop of Monterey-Fresno and the Provincial of the Franciscans at Santa Barbara, his cause for sainthood was begun. This reached a successful conclusion in September 1988, when he was declared Blessed by Pope John Paul II before a large concourse of people at St. Peter's Basilica, Rome. Among them the school principal, Msgr. Charles Hill.
The site selected for Serra High was a twenty-four acre plot located on Van Ness Avenue, bounded by Compton Boulevard (now Marine Ave.) and 146th Place. At the time of the purchase the land was being used as a truck garden with cabbages being the principal vegetable grown.
After it had been announced that a Catholic high school was to be opened in Gardena, Bro. James Wipfield visited all the feeder schools, seventeen in number, to make the acquaintance of the pastors and principals and to speak to the eighth grade boys about the Marianists and the new school. He was most cordially welcomed by the pastors and principals who were overjoyed that a school was to be built in their vicinity.
Work on the school started late and was done in stages. The first unit in the form of an "L" and built around a patio comprised the administration wing, several classrooms, a science wing, a library and a large study hall. All the units were one story, the lower part of brick and the upper of stucco. Additional classrooms, a shop building, cafeteria, gym, storage building and locker rooms would be added in later years.
Since the number of religious would be small in the early years, the building of a faculty residence was postponed. Two years would elapse before such a structure would be built. In the interim, a small house was purchased for $10,000, located at 1911 West 149th Street to serve the needs of the pioneer Religious. . .
Over forty-five years have passed since that small band of eager and venturesome students first crossed the portals of Serra. They were a courageous bunch because workmen were still on the campus when school commenced. There was little to attract them. There were no athletic facilities, no winning teams, no record of academic excellence, and no outstanding alumni. Possibly the only redeeming feature was the proximity of the school to their homes. To acquire a solid Catholic education, they willingly underwent the hardships, privations and inconveniences incidental to pioneering. Before they could participate in sports, they had to prepare the facilities. Since no gym would be available for seven years, practices had to be held on the outdoor courts.
In the early years the parents and their sons were most loyal and dedicated to the school. On weekends and even holidays fathers and their sons would come to school and work on various projects under the direction of the Brothers. The excellent athletic fields, which the students now enjoy, were prepared by the pioneering students and their fathers . . .
Approximately, 4300 young men survived the rigors of the curriculum for four years. Roughly about one fourth of those who entered never achieved their goal, withdrawing at various stages, the majority at the end of their freshman year. What happened to these alumni? Some of them have already rendered an account of their lives to the Lord. What of the living? Unfortunately, no records are available depicting their accomplishments. Many, no doubt, entered the various professions and achieved prominence in their fields. Quite a few probably entered employment immediately upon graduation. A number embraced the religious life and the diocesan priesthood. Thirty-three returned to Serra at various times as teachers. Three had sons graduate from the school: Harold Dimond '54, Douglas Cameron '58, and Michael Rooney '60. Three
families - the William Clarkes, the Kallocks and the Hammervolds - tied for having the largest number of sons to graduate - six.
One hundred three Marianists dedicated a number of years to the school. For some the time was brief; for others it was an extended period. Brother Charles Boglitz holds the record for the longest tenure, arriving in 1961. Eleven of these religious already completed their earthly sojourn. Others are no longer members of the Society of Mary.
What does the future of Serra hold? It is too risky to predict. May Serra see the birth of a new spring and continue to send down deep roots so the school may continue its mission for as many years as it serves its purpose. May Father Serra, the earliest educator in California, guide the destiny of the school, which honors him.
Society of Mary founded in France by Blessed Fr. William Chaminade.
(July 4) First Marianists arrive in the U.S. (Cincinnati, Dayton)
Death of Blessed William Chaminade
Civil War General William S. Rosecrans buys 16,000 acres near Gardena Valley for $2.50 an acre.
General Rosecrans elected to US Congress
Pomeroy and Harrison lay out town of Gardena.
(Nov 12) Gardena incorporated.
Rosecrans family moves out of area.
Msgr. Nicholas Conneally invites Fr. Walter Tredtin and the Marianists to Los Angeles to teach at St. Monica's High School.
-Archbishop James Francis McIntyre offers Fr. Tredtin and the Marianists one of three high schools to be built.
-Fr. Tredtin consults his Council and accepts the Gardena site; a truck garden with cabbage as the main crop.
-The school is named after Fr. Serra (Nov. 24, 1713-Aug. 27, 1784)
-Bishop Timothy Manning selects the school's motto: "You Shall Be Witnesses For Me" Acts 1:6
-Br. James Wipfield begins recruiting boys from 17 nearby Catholic elementary schools.
100th Anniversary of the death of Fr. Chaminade
(June 19) Ralph and Pearl Wikoff sign the grant deed turning over their property to the Archbishop of Los Angeles.
(Aug) Fr. William Swegars, first principal arrives with Brother Joseph Hoffman and Brother Joseph Napier to find the construction workers on strike.
-School built in stages and opens with the administration offices and what are today the library, 100 and 200 wings only.
-First Brothers' Residence purchased for $10,500 at 1911 W. 149th Street.
(Sept 1) First football team meeting.
(Sept 12) First faculty meeting held in Brothers' Residence. Original faculty consisted of Fr.
Swegar, Br. Hoffman, Br. Napier, Mr. Charles Schoendienst, Mr. Elvin Emmick (first football coach) and Miss Retha Rider (first secretary).
-Students arrive to purchase textbooks
(Sept 18) First day of class. 140 registered but only 94 appeared. Three freshmen classes and one sophomore class comprised the first student body.
-Brother Hoffman and Brother Napier having just arrived from St. Louis H.S., Honolulu, selected the Hawaii school's colors, Scarlet and Royal Blue, for Serra. -Students and their fathers prepared the athletic fields after school and on weekends and holidays
(Oct) First Open House
(Oct 18, 8pm) First Fathers' Club meeting. Mr. Sims, first president. First fund-raiser-card party, $120.
(Nov) First Student Council elections, Cecil Gray, First ASB President.
(Nov 15) Mothers' Club Election, Mrs. Fritzen, first president. First fund-raiser - square dance, $160.
-Lost all football games first season
-First football game vs. Mt. Carmel, 18-0
-Second game vs. Cantwell, 28-0
(Dec 7) First school day of retreat led by Fr. Comiskey, St. Joseph's Parish, Hawthorne. The library was used as a chapel.
Annual Christmas talent show on last day prior to Christmas vacation
(early) Br. Napier begins Drama Department
(Jan 22) First Annual Chaminade Day
(May 1) First May Crowning Ceremony and blessing of the classroom statues of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
(Aug) Arrival of Br. Justin Loughran, first librarian.
(Sept) Cafeteria begins operation.
-Mrs. Angie Kretzschmar enrolls her twin sons.
-Br. Elmer Dunsky, first dean (15 deans from 1951-1981)
(Dec 9, 3pm) School Dedication Day presided by Archbishop McIntyre. The pastors of St. Anthony's, Gardena, St. Catherine's, Torrance, and St. Joseph's Hawthorne, served as deacon, sub-deacon, and reader.
-blessing of each classroom, the crucifix in the main office and the American flag, various speeches, Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, reception for the clergy and civic dignitaries.
-Very Rev. Walter Tredtin, SM, blesses and places the cornerstone. Behind the cornerstone are a roster and roll of photographs of the student body, a spiritual pledge of loyalty and a copy of the dedication booklet.
1951-78, 1995-99
Annual Fiesta
Marble statues of the Immaculate Conception and Fr. Serra erected on senior lawn and donated by Mother's Club.
(April 29) Marianists move to newly built residence north of the administration offices. The residence contained 12 private rooms, common room, dining room, chapel, two parlors and library.
-Fr. Swegar and Br. Wipfield transfer the Blessed Sacrament that evening
-First Mass offered the next morning by Fr. George Meinzinger
(Sept) -First Sodality of Mary organized by Br. Elmer Dunsky.
-Band begun by Miss Gloria Chadwick
(Dec 19) -First Serra dance organized by Angie Kretzschmar.
Annual Father-Son Banquet. Performers included the Lennon Sisters, Mitchell Boys Choir, and actor alumni Robert Logan, athlete Lynn Swann.
Industrial arts courses offered.
-300 wing constructed
(June 1) First graduation held at St. Anthony's Church, Gardena. Twenty-seven graduates received their diplomas from the newly created Cardinal McIntyre.
-Charter for Cavalier newspaper approved
-Fr. Donald Bracht, SM, second principal arrives.
1953-77, 91, 96-99
Cavalier newspaper published.
(June) First edition of the yearbook, "El Padre" published.
(June 13) Second graduation held on senior lawn. Joseph Scott is speaker.
(Fall) Mrs. Alberta Runge, office clerk begins her 25 years at Serra.
-Over 2000 books catalogued in library.
Mr. William Power, band director
1954-60 & 1977-86
Bingo at Serra
-Addition to the Brother's Residence of 14 private rooms laundry, two-car garage and enlargement the common room and dining room.
-George Strohmeyer, former All-American at Notre Dame University, appointed head football coach.
-Senior Walk originated by Senior Class '55.
-Cafeteria, 500 wing and locker rooms constructed.
-Br. Joseph Hoffman, second principal.
(Nov. 8) Gym ground breaking ceremony.
(Oct 26) Gym dedication ceremony presided by Auxiliary Bishop Alden Bell. Student Court began
(May) Silver jubilee celebration for Br. Joseph Yax held in gym followed by Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.
(June) Gym completed at a cost of $125,000.
-Graduations move from the patio to the new Serra gym.
(Feb 2) First meeting of Serra branch of the Marianist League. Marianist provincial presides at meeting.
(May) Varsity Golf Catholic League Champs.
(Summer) South lot used for parking
-auto shop closed and converted into band room (Rm 500).
-biology lab moved from room 100 to the old typing room 304.
-typing room moved to old study hall (today's south end of the library).
-old biology lab converted into present physics lab.
(Feb) First WASC Accreditation visitation.
-Cavalier newspaper wins Most Improved Award at Journalism Day at USC.
(May) Varsity Baseball Catholic League Champs
(Summer) Arrival of Br. Robert Maguire, Forensic League moderator. Serra League wins top award at Loyola Catholic League tournament. Three members qualify for state finals.
-Br. Frank Spaeth, fourth principal.
-New wooden statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary acquired by school to commemorate tenth anniversary of school's founding.
-Custodial building and old snack bar constructed.
Demerit system begins.
(Apr 8) Celebration of the 200th anniversary of Fr. Chaminade's birth. Chaminade High School Marianists join the Serra Marianists for Solemn High Mass and affiliates induction at Maria Regina Church. The Marianist Provincial is the main celebrant of the Mass.
(May) Varsity Track Catholic League Champs
(May 20) Archdiocesan Marian Speech Festival held at Serra. Twenty-three schools participated. Serra tied for first place with Marymount High School.
-Br. Richard Britton, fifth principal and first principal not to serve as superior of the Marianist community. Began teaching at Serra in 1959.
-First Homeroom of the Year Award
(Nov 22, 10am) Assembly to celebrate 250th anniversary of Fr. Serra's birth in Spain. Franciscan Fr. Maynard Geiger, top scholar on life and times of Fr. Serra, was guest speaker. Assembly attended by the Marianist Provincial. As the students left the Assembly they discovered that President Kennedy had been assassinated.
(Apr) Serra teacher and Superior, Fr. Bertrand Clemens was appointed Provincial of the Pacific Province of the Marianists. He would later return to Serra as principal.
(May) Varsity Baseball Catholic League Champs
Br. Jorge da Silva, sixth principal and teacher at Serra since 1953.
-Judo program created by Br. Robert Maruyama.
Plans submitted to Msgr. Donald Montrose, Archdiocesan Superintendent of Schools regarding expansion of Serra. Plans later approved by the building commission and Cardinal McIntyre.
(Summer) Original architect firm of Barker and Ott commissioned to draw up plans for remodeling and expansion.
Young Folk Singers led by Br. Terence Wong.
Mid 60's
Wood shop replaced by weight room.
Largest collection for the Missions.
(Jan 10) Br. George Dauer, first faculty member to die at Serra. Death sudden, after a full day of class. Student Body attended the Funeral Mass at Maria Regina Church. Main Celebrant was the Marianist Superior General visiting from Rome.
(May) Br. Robert Costa, acting principal due to Br. Da Silva's illness.
Serra student Dana Gioia wins first place in California Real Estate Association. Receives award at State Convention by Governor Ronald Reagan.
(June 6) Contract signed with contracting firm of Clement- Hulst of Bellflower. Over 30 sub- contractors hired.
(June 15) Work begins
Br. William Bolts, seventh principal and teacher at Serra since 1957. Youngest Serra principal at age 30.
(Fall) Serra begins participating in ESEA Title II receiving library books and audiovisual materials.
-Work completed at cost of $300,000
-Reconfiguration of offices, faculty lounge, counseling office
-Expansion of library
-Back doors added to main office and lounge
-Addition to cafeteria
-New equipment installation in 3 labs
-Construction of 400 wing
Lay teacher's salary averaged $4500 (BA) and $5000 (MA)
(Jan 22) Dedication of new wing and blessing of other new facilities by Auxiliary Bishop John Ward. Also occasion of 117th anniversary of Fr. Chaminade's death and the 150th birthday of the Marianist Order.
BMC Landscaping Company cares for grounds.
Late 60's
-Serra moves from original Catholic League to the new Camino Real League
-Annual football game with Gardena High School begins
(May) Varsity Baseball Camino Real League Champs
-Br. Hugh Hoganson, eighth principal
-Installation of ETV in all classrooms and transmitting equipment and a large antenna on the 300 wing.
Largest enrollment - 750
(May) Varsity Baseball Camino Real League Champs
(June 12) Br. Da Silva returns to Gardena to be ordained to the Priesthood by Archbishop Timothy Manning at St. Anthony's Church. Reception was held in Serra cafeteria.
(Nov) Varsity Football Camino Real League Champs
Student Union in north sector of cafeteria with sofas, tables, games, radio, books, magazines, etc.
(Oct) "Music Man" performed
(Oct 17) Moto-Cross contest on campus
Semester system replaced by quarter system.
Br. Thomas Spring, ninth principal
-Tuition $500 up from $40 in the early years.
(Apr 21) Silver Jubilee Mass for faculty and students celebrated by Cardinal Manning
(May) Silver Jubilee Dinner Dance for parents and alumni in gym
(Summer) Fr. Bertrand Clemens, tenth principal.
Serra Finance Board
Serra male cheerleaders replaced by female volunteers from nearby girls high schools.
(May) Varsity Boys Volleyball League Champs
(May) Varsity Boys Volleyball League Champs
(March) Varsity Basketball Camino Real League Champs
(May) Varsity Boys Volleyball League Champs
(June) Mt. Carmel Boys High School closes. Parent/student orientation meeting in May for those wishing to transfer to Serra.
(Aug) Approximately 80 Mt. Carmel students (mainly sophomores and juniors) transfer to Serra.
-Marianist League (Serra branch) disbands.
(Mar) Many Archdiocesan high school lay teachers go on strike against the archdiocese. Only two Serra teachers participate.
(May) Government lunch program on campus.
-Br. Albert Ganton, first African-American Religious on Serra faculty
-Sr. Dorothy Guarino, RSHM, first female Religious on Serra faculty and six years as assistant principal. She brings three other RSHM Sisters to the faculty.
-Varsity Boys Volleyball League Champs
-Serra student Mark Allen chosen Southern California representative to California State Convention of Thespians.
(Jan) First Search Weekend Retreat led by Fr. Philbin at the Claretian Seminary, Compton. Four weekends in 1977-78 and 8 in 1978-79.
(July) Serra student Steven Lee killed in auto accident.
(Nov) Serra - St. Mary Academy Exchange Days
Search Retreat Program
New Vibrations Gospel Choir led by Mr. Mallory Matthews
1978-80, 1995-present
Mandatory parent service hours or assessment.
(Jan) Serra student Dion Ross Coleman dies after accident with a rocket at home.
-Funeral Mass celebrated by Fr. Clemens in the school gym. First funeral celebrated on the campus.
(Feb 16) Serra Drama group performs at State Convention of Thespians in Sacramento.
(May) Varsity Track Camino Real League Champs
-Serra Drama Club performs at National Convention in Muncie, Indiana
-Fr. Clemens ends five years as Serra principal. Longer than any of his predecessors.
-Br. Edwin Johnson, eleventh principal and first African-American principal
-30th Anniversary Testimonial Banquet held at Hacienda Hotel, El Segundo. 300 guests including five former principals.
-Supervisor Kenneth Hahn presented Br. Johnson with a county proclamation at the Board of Supervisors on the day prior to the dinner.
(May) Varsity Track Camino Real League Champ
(May) Varsity Track Camino Real League Meet and Dual Meet Champs
(May) Varsity Track CIF-SS Champs
(Nov) Varsity Football Camino Real League Champs
(Dec) First Serra football team to go to CIF-SS Finals. Received runner-up plaque
(March) Varsity Basketball Camino Real League Champs
(May) Varsity Track Camino Real League Champs
(May) Varsity Track CIF-SS Champs
-Baseball field named Lewis Joshua Memorial Field after student who died during a target practice accident with his cousin from Texas.
(June) Fr. James Clarke (C'71) and Fr. Lawrence Bartasavich (C'69) ordained priests by Cardinal Manning.
(Oct 5) Br. Edwin Johnson ordained a deacon by Cardinal Manning in the Serra gym. 28 priests con-celebrated with the Cardinal.
Old band room (500) converted into school chapel
(April) Br. Johnson met with Br. Robert Juenemann discussing possibility of getting foundation assistance for Serra's financial aid program
(May) Varsity Track Camino Real League Champs
(May) Varsity Track Camino Real League Dual Meet Champs
(May) Varsity Track CIF-SS Champs
(June 19, 2pm) Br. Timothy Kenney (Serra C'70) ordained a priest by Auxiliary Bishop Thaddeus Shubsda
(June 20) Fr. Kenney celebrates first Solemn High Mass at St. Lawrence Martyr, Redondo Beach
(Sept) Revival of Back-to-School Night after ten-year absence.
1982 (?)
(June) Death of Mr. Hoped Balakian, dedicated business teacher for 25 years. Death sudden, shortly after the close of school.
-First computer (an Apple) arrives on campus
(July) Br. Robert Juenemann conducts luncheon for 14 business and professional men in the Serra library. Northrop Corp. Community Relations Director, David Jones invited the various executives. Northrop covered the expense of the luncheon.
(Sept) Serra senior Lloyd Walker honored by 200 people including 77th Street Police Division at St. Anselm Church for saving a newborn baby's life on a bus ride to school.
-Brother Juenemann acquires a donation of ten computers from Hewlett-Packard with a large supply of software valued at $50,000
-Archdiocese funds the conversion of a classroom into a computer lab
-Class of '64 has family picnic on campus after 20 year reunion
-Fr. Patrick Philbin, twelfth principal and teacher at Serra since 1974. Last Marianist priest- principal.
(March) Varsity Basketball Camino Real League Champs
(May) Varsity Track Camino Real League Champs
(Fall) -8th grade boys of the feeder schools invited to spend a day on campus
-Victory shrub planting
-Bicentennial of the death of Father Serra. Cardinal Manning and 24 priests concelebrate Mass for faculty and students.
(Nov) Varsity Football Camino Real League Champs
1984 (?)
Two batting cages constructed where current staff parking lot stands. New home dugout constructed.
-First Development Board meeting held and chaired by J. Thomas McCarthy, a prominent attorney. The board consisted of 20 community leaders and three ex-officio directors.- Development Board approves "Serra 700" campaign to raise $700,000 over three years
-Fr. Philbin acquires peacocks, other birds and rabbits for the campus
-Five additional computers purchased and fifteen donated for computer lab
-Six of the eight sections of bleachers on westside of stadium are replaced. Last two sections replaced in 1986.
-Br. Juenemann hires Milton Simpson (Serra Class of '80) as first Serra development director. He updates alumni directory, sends out quarterly newsletter and financial appeal.
(Feb 16) Testimonial Dinner honoring 34 people who have rendered outstanding service to Serra or the community.
(March) Varsity Basketball Camino Real League Champs
-Varsity basketball advances to CIF finals at the Long Beach Arena but loses to Mater Dei High School
(May) Varsity Track Camino Real League Champs
-Class of '65 has family picnic on campus after 20-year reunion
(May 9) Pope John Paul II declares Junipero Serra "venerable."
(June 20) Br. Albert Glanton died unexpectedly while serving on the Serra faculty. His Funeral Mass was celebrated at Maria Regina Church by Fr. Philbin and 16 concelebrants.
(Fall) Serra selected as one of five sites in the archdiocese to host a regional reception for the new Archbishop Roger M. Mahony. Because of rain the reception was moved from the stadium to the gym. Thirty parishes were represented.
-Sr. Patricia Foster, CSJ, begins 6 1/2 years as vice principal. She brings four other CSJ Sisters to the faculty
(Oct 24) Alex Haley, Pulitzer Prize winner and author of "Roots" visits campus to address businessmen's luncheon and student assembly.
1985-88, 96-97, 2000-present
Development director position
-Ralph M. Parsons Foundation gives a $100,000 unrestricted grant to Serra
-Weingart Foundation provide $100,000 grant for renovation of the science lab
-Varsity basketball team wins all Camino Real League games for the first time
(March) Varsity Basketball Camino Real League Champs
(March 8) Varsity basketball advances to CIF-SS Finals against Mater Dei High School at the LA Sports Arena with 8700 fans in attendance. Serra loses 86-59
(May) Alumni picnic on campus. Over one hundred attend.
(May 17) Br. Johnson ordained a priest by Bishop John Ricard, SSJ, at the Marianist parish in San Jose.
(Nov) Varsity Football Camino Real League Champs
Br. Stephen Johnson, thirteenth principal and last Marianist principal
(Sept 17) Pope John Paul II gives address on Ven. Junipero Serra at Carmel Mission during U.S. visit.
(Nov) Varsity Football Camino Real League Champs
-Fenced area north of visitor's bleachers turned into vegetable garden and biological preserve by Mr. James Crowell and biology classes
(May) Varsity Track Camino Real League Champs
(Jun) Deon Figures graduates and attends University of Colorado. Wins Jim Thorpe trophy in 1992 and selected in NFL's first round by the Pittsburgh Steelers in 1993.
(July) Msgr. Charles Hill fourteenth principal and first non-Marianist principal
(Sept) Pope John Paul II presides at Beatification Mass for Fr. Serra at St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City, Rome. Msgr. Hill attends.
(Nov) Varsity Football Camino Real League Champs
Kairos Retreat Program
(Jan) First catering company hired to operate cafeteria.
(Feb 1) Fr. Clemens becomes first Serra principal to enter eternity
(Apr 13) Four students in car accident on Van Ness near 77th. Sean Andrews and DeMar Harper die. Auxiliary Bishop Carl Fisher attends both funerals
(Summer) Second catering company replaces first in operating cafeteria
-Mr. James Crowell, fifteenth principal, first lay person and Serra graduate (C'70). He had spent fourteen years on the Serra faculty.
(Sept) Father-Son Day held
(Oct 17) Revival of articulation dinner with pastors, principals and eighth grade teachers. Ten out of nineteen invited schools participate.
(Nov 5) Revival of Mother-Son Communion Breakfast. Thirty families participate.
(Nov) Varsity football team ends regular season with 14-0 record. Coach Leo Hand
(Nov) Varsity Football Camino Real League Champs
(Dec) Dr. Loretta Morris of Loyola-Marymount conducts coed feasibility study of Serra and feeder schools.
(Dec 9) First CIF-SS Football championship against Lompoc High School
(Jan 9) Gardena City Council honors Varsity football team.
-Faculty lounge enlarged
-Stadium and gym scoreboards donated by Normandie Casino and anonymous donor ($25,000)
-New press box constructed
-New stadium lights ($16,000) and PA system ($1,100) installed
-New gym floor ($60,000) installed
-25 large wooden tables constructed for lunch area
(Nov) Varsity Football Camino Real League Champs
(Spring) -Enrollment low of 266
-First recruitment video "Environment For Success," created.
(Sept) First female (108) students attend Serra.
-225 freshmen arrive
-Cost of the conversion of three restrooms, a locker room and shower room is $400,000
(March) Varsity basketball team receives runner up plague in CIF-SS finals
(July 6) June graduate Lonnell Venson dies due to drive by shooting near his home.
(Nov) Varsity Football Camino Real League Champs
(Nov 19) First annual exchange with teacher and students from Oki Gakuen, Fukuoka, Japan. No visit in 1998, 1999, or after 9/11/01.
(March) Varsity Basketball Camino Real League Champs
Varsity basketball team captures CIF-SS and State Championship. Coach Dwan Hurt (Serra C'81).
(Apr 5) Darryl Harts (C'80), police academy graduate (1992) killed.
(Apr 7) Akeli Jackson receives John Wooden High School MVP Award by the LA Athletic Club at the Biltmore Hotel
(May) Bronze statue of Fr. Serra donated by Mr. William Hannon.
(June 7) New statue of Fr. Serra blessed by Fr. Roland Bunda.
(June 12, 10am) Graduation of 40 seniors in the gym - smallest number since the first graduation in 1953
Dr. Arthur Hernandez, sixteenth principal
(Aug) Marianist Provincial Administration decides to withdraw Marianists from Serra at end of school year.
(Sept 28, 5pm) Marianist Provincial Fr. Timothy Eden meets with Serra Marianist community to inform them that Marianists will withdraw from Serra in June, 1994.
(Nov) Varsity Football Camino Real League Tri-Champs
(Feb) Two members of Marianists General Administration from Rome visit campus.
(March) Varsity Basketball Camino Real League Champs
(May) Varsity Track Camino Real League Champs
Varsity Track wins CIF-SS Championship for first time.
(May 13) Farewell luncheon for Marianists.
(May 29, 11am) Farewell Mass celebrated by Marianist Provincial. Thirteen Marianist served as principal, four priests and nine brothers. Slightly more than a hundred Marianists served on the faculty including Br. Leo Rausch (25 years) and Br. Charles Boglitz (33 years)
-Mr. Michael Griffith, seventeenth principal and first African American lay principal.
-First campus girls softball field installed
(March) Varsity Basketball Del Rey League Champs
(March) Varsity Boys Basketball receives runner-up plaque in CIF-SS Finals
(May) VarsityTrack Del Rey League Champs
(July) Vietnamese Lovers of the Holy Cross Sisters move into old Brothers' Residence, establish it as their Motherhouse and Novitiate.
Rotating class schedule
-Sixty hours of Christian service and reflection papers added to graduation requirements.
-Booster Club re-established. Sponsors running of snack bar for school at football and basketball games.
(March) Varsity Basketball Del Rey League Champs
(Spring) Second recruitment video created.
(May) Boys Track Camino Real League Champs
(May) Varsity Boys Track wins CIF-SS Championship
(June) Varsity Boys Track CIF 4x100 Relay State Champs
(June) Fr. Mark Warnstedt (C'75) ordained a priest by Cardinal Mahony.
(Aug 26) Fr. Sabato "Sal" Pilato, eighteenth principal and seventh principal in ten years.
(Nov) Class of '76 has family picnic on campus after 20-year reunion
-Serra classes of the 1960's hold joint reunion dinner dance
(Nov 4) Blessing of new campus Blessed Sacrament Chapel and establishment of the Way of the Cross by Fr. Pilato, Fr. Gallardo and school faculty.
(Nov 12) First Mass in new chapel and reservation of the Blessed Sacrament.
Annual Fall play and spring musical re-established.
-Ahmanson Foundation gives a $150,000 endowment grant.
-Crucifixes and Marian images replaced where missing in classrooms. Divine Mercies image of Jesus donated for all classrooms and library.
-Wood carved statues of the Blessed Virgin and St. Joseph donated by Bishop Alemany High School. Placed in Serra Library. Originally from Alemany Chapel damaged in Northridge earthquake.
(March) -New statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus given to Fr. Pilato by Mary Star of the Sea High School. Statue is blessed and enshrined in the new campus chapel.
-Statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary acquired in 1960 is refinished and enshrined in campus chapel
-Varsity Basketball Del Rey League Champs
-National Evangelization Team (NET) from St. Paul Minneapolis Archdiocese begins conducting annual class retreats
(May) -Annual May Crowning Mass re-established.
-Varsity Boys Track wins CIF-SS Championship
(May 31) First Annual Excellence in Education Dinner. Nine feeder schools participate. Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Sartoris is guest speaker.
(Summer) Interior of most rooms on campus painted.
(July) New religion curriculum and sequence established. All courses use the new "Catechism of the Catholic Church"
(July, Aug) All Venetian blinds repaired, cleaned and re-installed.
-Vice Principal's office moved out of main office into office adjacent to academic counselors.
-New ASB Constitution ratified.
-Forty used 386 computers donated by Notre Dame High school. All computer lab stations have working computer and seven computers are placed in library for the first time
-Room 500 (former auto shop, band room, chapel, art room) converted into humanities/journalism lab with ten computers and first Internet access on campus. All juniors take American history and literature in two-hour block.
-Flemish glass installed in chapel windows
-new handbooks complete consultative process.
(Aug, Sept) South section of home bleachers replaced and painted and North sections of home bleachers repaired and repainted.
-LA Southwest College begins offering college unit courses on campus during the school day
-Choir class re-established
-30 trees and planters added to student parking lot, interior of campus, and baseball, softball area.
-Assembly Hall (Room 405) refurbished with permanent seating donated by St. Mary Magdalen Parish, Camarillo
-Outdoor basketball court added to north side of gym.
-18 outdoor night lights installed in front of campus, student parking lot, west end of stadium, faculty yard and parking lot.
-Dad's Club re-established.
(Nov) Varsity Football Mission League Co-Champs
(Summers) Exterior of all campus buildings painted.
(Jan) Wall dividing attendance and health offices removed to form new registrar office.
(Feb/Mar) Re-parceling of Holy Cross Convent property leads to new faculty parking lot, entrance, drive way, girls softball field, dugouts and batting cage.
(Feb) Weekly Way of the Cross on the Fridays of Lent during religion classes re-established.
(Mar) -Varsity Basketball Del Rey League Champs
-Varsity Basketball receives runner up plaque in CIF-SS Finals
-Second Annual Excellence in Education Dinner. Nineteen schools participate. Bishop Sartoris is speaker.
-Student parking lot lights and poles replaced
-Donation of 40 computers, technical support for installation and teacher in-service from Raytheon Corporation acquired though Dad's Club President Mel Jackson.
-Weight room interior wall removed and walls painted through Dad's Club funding
(May) Varsity Boys Track wins CIF-SS Championship
(June) Varsity Boys Track places second in State Championship competition
-Hungarian artist Isabel Piczek commissioned to create nine stained glass windows for campus chapel.
-New lighting and stainless steel lines in cafeteria.
(July) Bookstore remodeled
(July/Aug) Creation of new photography darkroom with 21 workstations.
-Room 401 is converted into a choral room with permanent risers and storage closet.
-Boy's locker room renovated
-Stadium snack bar renovated
-Bronze statue of Fr. Serra moved from courtyard to school facade on mounted pedestal with spotlight
(Fall) After school reading and math specialists acquired through Title I funds
-All Serra girls' teams move from Del Rey to Camino Real League
-New PTO Constitution ratified eliminating most appointed board positions
-New tabletops counter and sinks in biology lab.
-Twelve-person computer station constructed in north end of library.
-Installation of tile mosaic of Our Lady of Guadalupe by artist Rose Portillo on west exterior wall of girls locker room. Garden planted at shrine.
-Chapel renovations include closure of most transoms, installation of reredos, statue platforms, repainting, and replating of tabernacle, candlesticks and most sacred vessels.
(Oct) New stage drapery in gym installed.
(Oct 8) Regional archdiocesan high school teacher in-service held on campus. Sr. Mary Angela Shaughnessy, SCN, guest speaker. Over 400 teachers and administrators attend.
(Oct 20) Solemn Blessing of Fr. Serra's statue and school facade, library, main office, photography dark room, athletic fields, cafeteria, boys locker room, snack bar, gym and stage, choral room, assembly room and chapel tabernacle followed by Consecration of School to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Fr. Pilato presides. School faculty, staff, ASB and PTO officers attend.
-Holy Cross Sisters purchase old Brothers' Residence from the Archdiocese after rezoning and reparceling of property.
-Archdiocesan Archivist Msgr. Francis Weber gives first class relic (bone) of Blessed Junipero Serra to Fr. Pilato.
-Class of '78 has class reunion dinner dance on campus.
(Dec 15) Solemn Blessing of Our Lady of Guadalupe shrine by Fr. Pilato. Artist Rose Portillo addresses student body. Donor Louis Audet in attendance.
(Jan) Two additional coaches offices added to weight room through Dad's Club funding.
(Feb) -Regional Youth 2000 Eucharistic weekend retreat held at Serra. 1200 attend.
(Mar) -Statue of St. Therese of Lisieux and rose garden established outside north windows of assembly hall.
(Mar) Varsity Boys Basketball wins CIF-SS Championship
(May) Varsity Boys Track wins CIF-SS Championship
(May 1) Third Annual Excellence in Education Dinner. 23 feeder schools participate. US Marine Corp. Brigadier General Michael Aguilar (C'68), recent graduate Clarence Banks (C'98), Archdiocesan Superintendent Dr. Jerome Porath, and new Education Foundation Executive Director Hugh Ralston are guest speakers.
(May) First female ASB President, Christiane Bell, elected.
-first annual inner city elementary schools soccer tournament hosted at Serra
(Summer) All school lockers repainted and repaired
-homerun fence and baseball visitor dugout installed
-new floor tile in the cafeteria and two classroom wings
-upgrading and networking of computers in the library and computer lab.
-installation of Internet in library and computer lab.
-development of extensive religion curriculum guide for teachers.
-Addition of first three Piczek stained glass windows to the chapel
-addition of French to the foreign language program.
-creation of St. Joseph Alumni park by old book store includes removal of asphalt and installation of sprinklers, shrubs and lawn.
-Most Serra boy's teams leave Del Rey and return to Camino Real League. Basketball remains. Football moves from Mission to new Angelus League.
-addition of eight trees to the student parking lot.
(Oct 1) Dedication of outdoor shrine/garden in honor of St. Therese.
(Oct 21) Former Occidental College President and Serra grads attending Occidental announce in assembly that Serra is one of 20 high schools nationwide selected to receive full 4 year Occidental scholarship each year for top graduate.
(Winter) Repair of bell system and installation of new fire alarm system.
(Jan) Kevin Sims begins term as development/alumni director.
(Feb) Fencing and roofing of home dug out
(Mar) Varsity Boys Basketball wins CIF-SS and regional championships
-2nd "Youth 2000" on campus
-Dedication of outdoor shrine in honor of St. Francis and blessing of renovated dugout.
(March 25) Fourth Annual Excellence in Education Dinner. 22 feeder schools participate. Dr. Theodore Mitchell, Occidental College President and Helena Conley (c'98) are guest speakers.
(Apr) Addition of four more Piczek windows to chapel.
(May) Varsity Boys Track wins CIF-SS championship
(May 24) Weingart Foundation provides $100,000 grant for two year funding of development office.
-Boys Varsity Track wins CIF State championship and participates in national competition.
-Boys Varsity Track team flies to Sacramento for legislature presentation.
(July) Storage facility added to north athletic fields.
-Networking of all classrooms and one computer in each classroom that did not have one.
-New bookstore added to south end of cafeteria. Activities office moves to old bookstore.
-New development/alumni office moves to old activities office.
Painting of gym interior and banners and art replacement.
(Fall) Creation of an instrumental room with storage closet in Room 500. First band class since 1966.
-New outdoor basketball, volleyball and tennis courts added south of baseball field.
(Sept 3) Pope John Paul II presides at Beatification Mass for Pope Pius IX, Pope John XXIII and Fr. Chaminade. Marianists celebrate 150th Anniversary of Father Chaminade's death.
(Sept 18) Serra High's Golden Jubilee Year begins with Mass of the Holy Spirit.
(Sept 29) Archangel icons in chapel are blessed on feast day. Fr. Pilato acquired them in Jericho in August.
(Oct 13) Stadium blessed and named for Angie Kretzschmar during homecoming half time. Alumni party followed.
(Oct 14) Library blessed and named for Robert Lynch. Golden Jubilee dinner dance followed.
(Oct 15) Fr. Jorge daSilva, SM presides at Golden Jubilee Mass. Room 405 is named Fr. DaSilva Hall. Picnic followed.
(Nov) Varsity Football Angelus League Champs
-New tutorial program begins through a $50,000 grant from the Parsons Foundation.
-Addition of the last two Piczek stained glass windows to chapel.
(Dec) Department of Catholic Schools approves Development Board's change of status to Advisory Board.
(Dec 8) Golden Jubilee Mass for faculty, students, and board celebrated by Cardinal Mahony. He re-dedicates the school during the Mass and blesses the new chapel stained glass windows before the Mass.
(Dec) $200,000 of initial funding is provided by the Fritz Burns Foundation for an all-weather track.
-$41,000 is provided by the Dan Murphy Foundation for two chapel windows, chapel air conditioning, and three outdoor tile murals.
(Feb) Varsity Girls Soccer becomes first Serra girls team to go to play-offs.
-Serra releaguing proposals approved by CAA
(Mar) Addition of a Jewish Seder meal/prayer service to the weekly Lenten Activities.
(Mar 14) New Cardinal Francis Nguyen Van Thuan blesses medals for Serra students and staff.
Fr. Pilato acquired them in Rome and touched them to the Porta Sancta and statue of St. Peter in St. Peter's Basilica.
(Apr 7) Fifth Annual Excellence in Education Dinner. Twenty-five feeder schools participate. Fr. Donald Merrifield, S.J., PhD, Loyola Marymount University Chancellor is guest speaker.
(Apr 11) New outdoor Stations of the Cross are solemnly blessed.
(Summer) Convent renovations begins. Chapel and dining room are enlarged. Garages are converted into bedrooms. Large classroom is constructed.
-School bookstore is expanded.
-Two storage facilities are added to athletic fields.
(July) The Doheny Foundation provides $100,000 and the Leavey Foundation provides $175,000 for the all-weather track project.
(Aug 27) School year begins with 503 students surpassing 500 for the first time in fifteen years.
-Boys Varsity Cross Country Camino Real League Champs (first Serra non-football, basketball, track league championship in 24 years.)
-Varsity Football Angelus League Champs.
-Fruit trees planted north of visitor's bleachers and in faculty yard.
(Nov-March '02)
Construction of all weather track.
(Feb) Boys Varsity Basketball Del Rey League Champs
(Feb & Mar) Installation of three Piczek outdoor tile murals by main office, activities office, and south wall of 400 wing.
(Mar 11-13) WASC visitation and six year accreditation.
(March 19) Bishop Sartoris dedicates newly renovated convent chapel. Sir Daniel Donohue visits Serra campus before Dedication Mass.
(March 21) First track meet held on campus in years.
(April) Sixth Annual Excellence in Education Dinner. Seventeen feeder schools participate. Gary Liebl (Class of '59) is honored as first "Serra Immortal."
(May) Girls Varsity Track Camino Real League Champs. First Serra girls league championship in ten-year coed history.
-Boys Varsity Track Camino Real League Champs.
-School year ends with eleven out of thirteen Serra teams going to play-offs.
-$75,000 is provided by the Hannon Foundation for the stadium's entrance plaza.
(July) Gardena grants building permits for chemistry lab expansion and snack bar construction.
-Chemistry lab expansion begins after a year delay.
(July 25) Sudden death of Track and Cross Country Coach Richard Gatlin. In his nine-year Serra tenure, his teams earned one state championship, seven CIF championships, and six league championships.
(Summer) Fitness center/weight room remodeled and new equipment purchased through $49,000 grant of the Simon Foundation.
(Aug 29) School year begins with 579 students - largest enrollment in 31 years.
(Fall) Serra receives three teachers through Loyola Marymount University's P.L.A.C.E. Corp.
-Holy Family shrine erected on northeast corner of track in Coach Gatlin's memory.
-Addition to chemistry lab.
(Sept 20) Mrs. Cynthia Simon, Simon Foundation President and wife of gubernatorial candidate Bill Simon takes part in ribbon cutting and blessing ceremony of fitness center.
(Oct) President George W. Bush nominates Dana Gioia (Class of 1969) to serve as Chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts. Gioia is confirmed by the US Senate.
(Nov 30) L.A. Sheriff's Deputy David Powell (Class of 1978) is killed in the line of duty.
(Nov) Varsity Football Angelus League Champ.
(Nov-Dec) Bleachers repaired and painted.
(Dec) Cafeteria PA system re-installed.
(Dec 13) Varsity Football undefeated until CIF-SS finals against Lompoc High School at Serra.
(Jan) Monthly Eucharistic Adoration begins on campus.
(Feb 1) Advisory Board member John Watkins is one of six recipients of the 14th Annual Cardinal's Award at the Beverly Wilshire in Beverly Hills.
(Feb) First Girls Varsity Soccer Camino Real League Championship for Serra.
(Mar 19) Sir Daniel Donohue and board members of the Dan Murphy Foundation visit campus.
(Apr 12) Seventh Annual Excellence in Education Dinner. Twenty-six feeder schools participate. A.J. Rogers MD (Class of 1971) is honored as second "Serra Immortal"
(Spring) Brick tree planters/benches installed
(May) First Girls Varsity Softball Camino Real League Championship for Serra.
-Boys Varsity Track Del Rey League Champs
-Boys Varsity Track wins CIF-SS championship
-Girls Varsity Track wins first CIF-SS championship for Serra High School
(June) New stadium PA and speakers installed in time for commencement.
(Summer) Stadium lights repaired, second batting cage installed, AC added to main office, shower stalls installed in boys locker room.
(Dec) Vocations in Progress (VIP) Clubs begin. Twenty young men and twenty young women join in first year.
(Jan) Cheer squad competes at ESPN national cheer competition at Disney World, Florida.
-Softball bleachers constructed.
(Feb) Girls Varsity Basketball Camino Real League Champs
-Girls Varsity Soccer Camino Real League Champs
(March 1) Student Body and faculty walk to Gardena Cinema on Crenshaw to view Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ.
(March) Lenten assembly speakers include Bishop Sartoris, Cheryl Ward and former Angel Darryl Miller (brother of Reggie Miller).
-Baseball scoreboard installed. Brick barbeque completed
(Apr 2) Hannon Entrance Plaza ready for track dedication.
(Apr 3) Blessing and dedication of the Thomas McCarthy Track. Ms. Kathleen Leavey McCarthy and family members present for dedication and Eight Annual Excellence in Education Dinner. Twenty-six feeder schools participate. Joe Nally is guest speaker.
(May 19) Retired U.S. Marine Corp Brigadier General Michael Aguilar (Class of 1968) addresses student body and is honored as third "Serra Immortal."
(May) Boys Varsity Volleyball Camino Real League Champs
-Boys Varsity Track CIF-SS Champs
(June 11) Class of 2004 breaks the $2 million mark ($2.5) in college scholarships at graduation.
(June 26) Serra High School is recipient of radio station the Beat's 4th Annual Hoodie Award for Best High School. Dean of Students Dwan Hurt (Class of 1981) represents Serra at the awards presentation at the MGM Grand, Las Vegas.
(Summer) South parking lot repaved and striped.
(Aug 20) School year begins with 602 students.
-Enrollment hits the 600 mark for the first time since 1971.
-Calendar includes fall final exams before Christmas with a three-week Christmas vacation and a two-week Easter vacation.
(Fall) Good Shepherd and St. Michael shrines erected on east side of athletic field.
(Sep 28) Senior class visits Museum of Tolerance.
(Oct. 19) Blessing and dedication of the Hannon Entrance Plaza. Hannon Foundation board members present.
(Dec) Athletic office constructed on northwest corner of gym.
-Girls Varsity Basketball Camino Real League Champs
-Boys Varsity Basketball Del Rey League Champs
(April 3) Kurt Altenberg C'61 dies suddenly. Last development board chair and first advisory board chair.
(April 8) School Requiem Mass for Pope John Paul II who died April 2.
(April 16) Ninth Annual Excellence in Education Dinner. 20 feeder schools participated.
(April 28) Dwan Hurt, C'81 inducted in the CYO Hall of Fame.
(May) Boys Varsity Track CIF-SS Champs
(June 15) Baccalaureate Mass and Awards Ceremony - Sir Daniel Donohue in attendance.
(June 17) Class of 2005 earns $4.8 million in college scholarships and achieves 94% college attendance.
(Summer) Poles and nets installed on north field
-New snack bar, ticket booth and restrooms constructed at south end of football field.
(Aug) Senior Class is the largest since 1969.
(Aug. 29) William F. Burch Architects present proposal and drawings for new gym and theater complex.
(Sept. 28) New pews installed in chapel.
(Oct. 27) Marianist Brother Frank "Skip" Matthews, S.M. (Class of 1958) addresses student body and is honored as fourth "Serra Immortal."
(Jan 7) Visiting high school boys basketball team from St. Patrick College, Sydney, Australia plays Serra team followed by dinner and Mass.
(Jan. 20) Student Body and faculty walk to Gardena Cinema on Crenshaw to view C.S. Lewis' The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.
(Feb 8) Boys Varsity Basketball Del Rey League Champs
(March 3) Boys Varsity Basketball CIF-SS Champs
(March 18) Annual Day of Retreat for Parish Pro-Life Leaders in the Archdiocese conducted on campus. Fr. Frank Pavone of Priests for Life is speaker. Model Mario St. Francis speaks to youth track.
(April 8) Tenth Annual Excellence in Education Dinner. Nineteen feeder schools participated.
(May) Boys Varsity Track Del Rey League Champs
(June 17) Class of 2006 earns over $5.5 million in college scholarships and achieves 96% college attendance.
(July 5) Ignatius Press founder and Ave Maria University Chancellor, Fr. Joseph Fessio, SJ, celebrates Mass in campus chapel on his way to a speaking engagement in Australia.
(Summer) New stadium press box constructed. Old snack bar converted into restrooms. Several buildings re-roofed.
-David Williams, C'81 inducted in National Football Foundation's College Football Hall of Fame.
(Oct. 30) Regional archdiocesan high school teachers and staff in-service held on campus. Sr. Mary Angela Shaughnessy, SCN, returns as guest speaker.
(Jan 30) Angie Kretzschmar dies.
(Feb) New school marque installed
(Feb 5) Fr. Stan Fortuna, CFR speaks to students in assembly.
(Feb 8) Funeral Mass for Angie Kretzschmar held in Serra gym followed by reception in cafeteria.
(Feb 26-27) Abbot Edmund McCaffrey gives faculty/staff Lenten retreat.
(March 17) Annual Retreat for Parish Pro-Life Leaders again conducted on campus. Actor Eduardo Verastegui is in attendance.
(March 24) Eleventh Annual Excellence in Education Dinner. Twenty-one feeder schools participated.
(April 19) Junior Olivia Woods dies after long battle with cancer.
(May) Boys Varsity Track CIF-SS Champs
(June 15) Class of 2007 earns over $6.6 million in college scholarships and achieves 100% college attendance.
(Summer) Major technology upgrade to all classrooms, library and gym.
Father Timothy Kenney '70; ordained 1982
Brother Frank "Skip" Matthews '58
Brother Dennis Schmitz '66
Brother James Wisecaver '60
Other Religious
Father James Reites, SJ (Jesuit) '55; ordained 1971
Brother Maurice Nelson, OCSO (Trappist) '66
Father Charles Carpenter, MAP '66
Diocesan Priests
Father Lawrence Bartasavich '69; ordained 1981 for L.A.
Father James Clarke '71; ordained 1981 for Los Angeles
Father Charles Devine '54; ordained 1965 for San Bernardino
Father Charles Goraieb '65; ordained 1991 for Phoenix
Father Wayne Goulet '66; ordained 1974 for Phoenix
Father Robert Head '58; ordained 1974 for Salt Lake City - R.I.P.
Father James Orsini '57; ordained 1974 for Honolulu
Father Frank Prieto '55; ordained 1964 for Santa Fe
Father Mark Warnstedt '75; ordained 1996 for L.A.
Br. Charles Boglitz, SM, Diary of a High School, 1998
Fr. Sabato Pilato, Letters to the Carrie Estelle Doheny Foundation, 1997, 1998, 1999
Plaques, trophies, banners at Serra High School
Please send corrections or additions to Fr. Pilato, c/o Serra High School
By Brother Charles Boglitz, SM (1989)
Junipero Serra High School, an archdiocesan school for boys located in Gardena, California, was established by Cardinal McIntyre, Archbishop of Los Angeles, in 1950, and confided to the Society of Mary (Marianists), an international religious Congregation, comprised of priests and Brothers, noted for its excellent schools. Of French origin, Father William Joseph Chaminade, a diocesan priest, at Bordeaux, France, founded the congregation in 1817. Living during the bloody days of the French Revolution, Father Chaminade barely escaped with his life. Almost daily, he passed the tumbrels carting victims to the guillotine. The Founder was still alive when the First Marianists arrived in America on July 4, 1849 . . .
The call to Southern California came from Msgr. Nicholas Conneally, pastor of St. Monica's Church, Santa Monica. He had a flourishing high school conducted by the Sisters of the Holy Names. Wishing to have religious men on the staff, he contacted the Marianist Provincial in Dayton, Ohio. At the time the Marianists did not teach girls, so the provincial was reluctant to grant his request. However, the pastor, promising to build a boys' school, soon made the provincial relent. Three Marianists began teaching at the school in 1946. Two years passed and there was no sign of a boys' school. The Brothers were withdrawn.
When Father Tredtin visited Archbishop McIntyre in 1948 to inform him of the removal of the Brothers, the latter was making plans to build several high schools. In the course of their conversation, the archbishop offered the Society of Mary one of these schools. Wishing to remain in the archdiocese, the Provincial readily accepted the offer. After consulting with his council, the Provincial agreed to staff the school planned for Gardena.
The school was named in honor of Junipero Serra, that intrepid Apostle of California. Father Serra, a zealous and courageous missionary who traveled the length of California, and founded the Missions, was born on the Island of Majorca, November 24, 1713. After his ordination as a Franciscan, he taught philosophy and theology with great distinction at the Lullian University at Palma. In 1749, he volunteered for the Missions of the New World and sailed for Mexico to enter the Apostolic College of San Fernando. For the next eighteen years, he zealously labored at various Missions in Baja California. In 1767, when the Spanish governor exiled the Jesuits from Baja California, Father Serra was named president of the Missions there. Two years later, at the age of fifty-five and afflicted with an ulcerous leg, he set out on an expedition with Portola, traveling almost a thousand miles and landing at San Diego where he founded his first Mission. For the remainder of his life, he traveled the length of the State, founding eight additional Missions. Worn out by excessive toil, he died at Carmel, on August 27, 1784, at the age of seventy-one. A signal honor was accorded him in 1913. His statue was placed in the Hall of Fame in the Capitol at Washington. In 1934, at the request of the bishop of Monterey-Fresno and the Provincial of the Franciscans at Santa Barbara, his cause for sainthood was begun. This reached a successful conclusion in September 1988, when he was declared Blessed by Pope John Paul II before a large concourse of people at St. Peter's Basilica, Rome. Among them the school principal, Msgr. Charles Hill.
The site selected for Serra High was a twenty-four acre plot located on Van Ness Avenue, bounded by Compton Boulevard (now Marine Ave.) and 146th Place. At the time of the purchase the land was being used as a truck garden with cabbages being the principal vegetable grown.
After it had been announced that a Catholic high school was to be opened in Gardena, Bro. James Wipfield visited all the feeder schools, seventeen in number, to make the acquaintance of the pastors and principals and to speak to the eighth grade boys about the Marianists and the new school. He was most cordially welcomed by the pastors and principals who were overjoyed that a school was to be built in their vicinity.
Work on the school started late and was done in stages. The first unit in the form of an "L" and built around a patio comprised the administration wing, several classrooms, a science wing, a library and a large study hall. All the units were one story, the lower part of brick and the upper of stucco. Additional classrooms, a shop building, cafeteria, gym, storage building and locker rooms would be added in later years.
Since the number of religious would be small in the early years, the building of a faculty residence was postponed. Two years would elapse before such a structure would be built. In the interim, a small house was purchased for $10,000, located at 1911 West 149th Street to serve the needs of the pioneer Religious. . .
Over forty-five years have passed since that small band of eager and venturesome students first crossed the portals of Serra. They were a courageous bunch because workmen were still on the campus when school commenced. There was little to attract them. There were no athletic facilities, no winning teams, no record of academic excellence, and no outstanding alumni. Possibly the only redeeming feature was the proximity of the school to their homes. To acquire a solid Catholic education, they willingly underwent the hardships, privations and inconveniences incidental to pioneering. Before they could participate in sports, they had to prepare the facilities. Since no gym would be available for seven years, practices had to be held on the outdoor courts.
In the early years the parents and their sons were most loyal and dedicated to the school. On weekends and even holidays fathers and their sons would come to school and work on various projects under the direction of the Brothers. The excellent athletic fields, which the students now enjoy, were prepared by the pioneering students and their fathers . . .
Approximately, 4300 young men survived the rigors of the curriculum for four years. Roughly about one fourth of those who entered never achieved their goal, withdrawing at various stages, the majority at the end of their freshman year. What happened to these alumni? Some of them have already rendered an account of their lives to the Lord. What of the living? Unfortunately, no records are available depicting their accomplishments. Many, no doubt, entered the various professions and achieved prominence in their fields. Quite a few probably entered employment immediately upon graduation. A number embraced the religious life and the diocesan priesthood. Thirty-three returned to Serra at various times as teachers. Three had sons graduate from the school: Harold Dimond '54, Douglas Cameron '58, and Michael Rooney '60. Three
families - the William Clarkes, the Kallocks and the Hammervolds - tied for having the largest number of sons to graduate - six.
One hundred three Marianists dedicated a number of years to the school. For some the time was brief; for others it was an extended period. Brother Charles Boglitz holds the record for the longest tenure, arriving in 1961. Eleven of these religious already completed their earthly sojourn. Others are no longer members of the Society of Mary.
What does the future of Serra hold? It is too risky to predict. May Serra see the birth of a new spring and continue to send down deep roots so the school may continue its mission for as many years as it serves its purpose. May Father Serra, the earliest educator in California, guide the destiny of the school, which honors him.
Society of Mary founded in France by Blessed Fr. William Chaminade.
(July 4) First Marianists arrive in the U.S. (Cincinnati, Dayton)
Death of Blessed William Chaminade
Civil War General William S. Rosecrans buys 16,000 acres near Gardena Valley for $2.50 an acre.
General Rosecrans elected to US Congress
Pomeroy and Harrison lay out town of Gardena.
(Nov 12) Gardena incorporated.
Rosecrans family moves out of area.
Msgr. Nicholas Conneally invites Fr. Walter Tredtin and the Marianists to Los Angeles to teach at St. Monica's High School.
-Archbishop James Francis McIntyre offers Fr. Tredtin and the Marianists one of three high schools to be built.
-Fr. Tredtin consults his Council and accepts the Gardena site; a truck garden with cabbage as the main crop.
-The school is named after Fr. Serra (Nov. 24, 1713-Aug. 27, 1784)
-Bishop Timothy Manning selects the school's motto: "You Shall Be Witnesses For Me" Acts 1:6
-Br. James Wipfield begins recruiting boys from 17 nearby Catholic elementary schools.
100th Anniversary of the death of Fr. Chaminade
(June 19) Ralph and Pearl Wikoff sign the grant deed turning over their property to the Archbishop of Los Angeles.
(Aug) Fr. William Swegars, first principal arrives with Brother Joseph Hoffman and Brother Joseph Napier to find the construction workers on strike.
-School built in stages and opens with the administration offices and what are today the library, 100 and 200 wings only.
-First Brothers' Residence purchased for $10,500 at 1911 W. 149th Street.
(Sept 1) First football team meeting.
(Sept 12) First faculty meeting held in Brothers' Residence. Original faculty consisted of Fr.
Swegar, Br. Hoffman, Br. Napier, Mr. Charles Schoendienst, Mr. Elvin Emmick (first football coach) and Miss Retha Rider (first secretary).
-Students arrive to purchase textbooks
(Sept 18) First day of class. 140 registered but only 94 appeared. Three freshmen classes and one sophomore class comprised the first student body.
-Brother Hoffman and Brother Napier having just arrived from St. Louis H.S., Honolulu, selected the Hawaii school's colors, Scarlet and Royal Blue, for Serra. -Students and their fathers prepared the athletic fields after school and on weekends and holidays
(Oct) First Open House
(Oct 18, 8pm) First Fathers' Club meeting. Mr. Sims, first president. First fund-raiser-card party, $120.
(Nov) First Student Council elections, Cecil Gray, First ASB President.
(Nov 15) Mothers' Club Election, Mrs. Fritzen, first president. First fund-raiser - square dance, $160.
-Lost all football games first season
-First football game vs. Mt. Carmel, 18-0
-Second game vs. Cantwell, 28-0
(Dec 7) First school day of retreat led by Fr. Comiskey, St. Joseph's Parish, Hawthorne. The library was used as a chapel.
Annual Christmas talent show on last day prior to Christmas vacation
(early) Br. Napier begins Drama Department
(Jan 22) First Annual Chaminade Day
(May 1) First May Crowning Ceremony and blessing of the classroom statues of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
(Aug) Arrival of Br. Justin Loughran, first librarian.
(Sept) Cafeteria begins operation.
-Mrs. Angie Kretzschmar enrolls her twin sons.
-Br. Elmer Dunsky, first dean (15 deans from 1951-1981)
(Dec 9, 3pm) School Dedication Day presided by Archbishop McIntyre. The pastors of St. Anthony's, Gardena, St. Catherine's, Torrance, and St. Joseph's Hawthorne, served as deacon, sub-deacon, and reader.
-blessing of each classroom, the crucifix in the main office and the American flag, various speeches, Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, reception for the clergy and civic dignitaries.
-Very Rev. Walter Tredtin, SM, blesses and places the cornerstone. Behind the cornerstone are a roster and roll of photographs of the student body, a spiritual pledge of loyalty and a copy of the dedication booklet.
1951-78, 1995-99
Annual Fiesta
Marble statues of the Immaculate Conception and Fr. Serra erected on senior lawn and donated by Mother's Club.
(April 29) Marianists move to newly built residence north of the administration offices. The residence contained 12 private rooms, common room, dining room, chapel, two parlors and library.
-Fr. Swegar and Br. Wipfield transfer the Blessed Sacrament that evening
-First Mass offered the next morning by Fr. George Meinzinger
(Sept) -First Sodality of Mary organized by Br. Elmer Dunsky.
-Band begun by Miss Gloria Chadwick
(Dec 19) -First Serra dance organized by Angie Kretzschmar.
Annual Father-Son Banquet. Performers included the Lennon Sisters, Mitchell Boys Choir, and actor alumni Robert Logan, athlete Lynn Swann.
Industrial arts courses offered.
-300 wing constructed
(June 1) First graduation held at St. Anthony's Church, Gardena. Twenty-seven graduates received their diplomas from the newly created Cardinal McIntyre.
-Charter for Cavalier newspaper approved
-Fr. Donald Bracht, SM, second principal arrives.
1953-77, 91, 96-99
Cavalier newspaper published.
(June) First edition of the yearbook, "El Padre" published.
(June 13) Second graduation held on senior lawn. Joseph Scott is speaker.
(Fall) Mrs. Alberta Runge, office clerk begins her 25 years at Serra.
-Over 2000 books catalogued in library.
Mr. William Power, band director
1954-60 & 1977-86
Bingo at Serra
-Addition to the Brother's Residence of 14 private rooms laundry, two-car garage and enlargement the common room and dining room.
-George Strohmeyer, former All-American at Notre Dame University, appointed head football coach.
-Senior Walk originated by Senior Class '55.
-Cafeteria, 500 wing and locker rooms constructed.
-Br. Joseph Hoffman, second principal.
(Nov. 8) Gym ground breaking ceremony.
(Oct 26) Gym dedication ceremony presided by Auxiliary Bishop Alden Bell. Student Court began
(May) Silver jubilee celebration for Br. Joseph Yax held in gym followed by Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.
(June) Gym completed at a cost of $125,000.
-Graduations move from the patio to the new Serra gym.
(Feb 2) First meeting of Serra branch of the Marianist League. Marianist provincial presides at meeting.
(May) Varsity Golf Catholic League Champs.
(Summer) South lot used for parking
-auto shop closed and converted into band room (Rm 500).
-biology lab moved from room 100 to the old typing room 304.
-typing room moved to old study hall (today's south end of the library).
-old biology lab converted into present physics lab.
(Feb) First WASC Accreditation visitation.
-Cavalier newspaper wins Most Improved Award at Journalism Day at USC.
(May) Varsity Baseball Catholic League Champs
(Summer) Arrival of Br. Robert Maguire, Forensic League moderator. Serra League wins top award at Loyola Catholic League tournament. Three members qualify for state finals.
-Br. Frank Spaeth, fourth principal.
-New wooden statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary acquired by school to commemorate tenth anniversary of school's founding.
-Custodial building and old snack bar constructed.
Demerit system begins.
(Apr 8) Celebration of the 200th anniversary of Fr. Chaminade's birth. Chaminade High School Marianists join the Serra Marianists for Solemn High Mass and affiliates induction at Maria Regina Church. The Marianist Provincial is the main celebrant of the Mass.
(May) Varsity Track Catholic League Champs
(May 20) Archdiocesan Marian Speech Festival held at Serra. Twenty-three schools participated. Serra tied for first place with Marymount High School.
-Br. Richard Britton, fifth principal and first principal not to serve as superior of the Marianist community. Began teaching at Serra in 1959.
-First Homeroom of the Year Award
(Nov 22, 10am) Assembly to celebrate 250th anniversary of Fr. Serra's birth in Spain. Franciscan Fr. Maynard Geiger, top scholar on life and times of Fr. Serra, was guest speaker. Assembly attended by the Marianist Provincial. As the students left the Assembly they discovered that President Kennedy had been assassinated.
(Apr) Serra teacher and Superior, Fr. Bertrand Clemens was appointed Provincial of the Pacific Province of the Marianists. He would later return to Serra as principal.
(May) Varsity Baseball Catholic League Champs
Br. Jorge da Silva, sixth principal and teacher at Serra since 1953.
-Judo program created by Br. Robert Maruyama.
Plans submitted to Msgr. Donald Montrose, Archdiocesan Superintendent of Schools regarding expansion of Serra. Plans later approved by the building commission and Cardinal McIntyre.
(Summer) Original architect firm of Barker and Ott commissioned to draw up plans for remodeling and expansion.
Young Folk Singers led by Br. Terence Wong.
Mid 60's
Wood shop replaced by weight room.
Largest collection for the Missions.
(Jan 10) Br. George Dauer, first faculty member to die at Serra. Death sudden, after a full day of class. Student Body attended the Funeral Mass at Maria Regina Church. Main Celebrant was the Marianist Superior General visiting from Rome.
(May) Br. Robert Costa, acting principal due to Br. Da Silva's illness.
Serra student Dana Gioia wins first place in California Real Estate Association. Receives award at State Convention by Governor Ronald Reagan.
(June 6) Contract signed with contracting firm of Clement- Hulst of Bellflower. Over 30 sub- contractors hired.
(June 15) Work begins
Br. William Bolts, seventh principal and teacher at Serra since 1957. Youngest Serra principal at age 30.
(Fall) Serra begins participating in ESEA Title II receiving library books and audiovisual materials.
-Work completed at cost of $300,000
-Reconfiguration of offices, faculty lounge, counseling office
-Expansion of library
-Back doors added to main office and lounge
-Addition to cafeteria
-New equipment installation in 3 labs
-Construction of 400 wing
Lay teacher's salary averaged $4500 (BA) and $5000 (MA)
(Jan 22) Dedication of new wing and blessing of other new facilities by Auxiliary Bishop John Ward. Also occasion of 117th anniversary of Fr. Chaminade's death and the 150th birthday of the Marianist Order.
BMC Landscaping Company cares for grounds.
Late 60's
-Serra moves from original Catholic League to the new Camino Real League
-Annual football game with Gardena High School begins
(May) Varsity Baseball Camino Real League Champs
-Br. Hugh Hoganson, eighth principal
-Installation of ETV in all classrooms and transmitting equipment and a large antenna on the 300 wing.
Largest enrollment - 750
(May) Varsity Baseball Camino Real League Champs
(June 12) Br. Da Silva returns to Gardena to be ordained to the Priesthood by Archbishop Timothy Manning at St. Anthony's Church. Reception was held in Serra cafeteria.
(Nov) Varsity Football Camino Real League Champs
Student Union in north sector of cafeteria with sofas, tables, games, radio, books, magazines, etc.
(Oct) "Music Man" performed
(Oct 17) Moto-Cross contest on campus
Semester system replaced by quarter system.
Br. Thomas Spring, ninth principal
-Tuition $500 up from $40 in the early years.
(Apr 21) Silver Jubilee Mass for faculty and students celebrated by Cardinal Manning
(May) Silver Jubilee Dinner Dance for parents and alumni in gym
(Summer) Fr. Bertrand Clemens, tenth principal.
Serra Finance Board
Serra male cheerleaders replaced by female volunteers from nearby girls high schools.
(May) Varsity Boys Volleyball League Champs
(May) Varsity Boys Volleyball League Champs
(March) Varsity Basketball Camino Real League Champs
(May) Varsity Boys Volleyball League Champs
(June) Mt. Carmel Boys High School closes. Parent/student orientation meeting in May for those wishing to transfer to Serra.
(Aug) Approximately 80 Mt. Carmel students (mainly sophomores and juniors) transfer to Serra.
-Marianist League (Serra branch) disbands.
(Mar) Many Archdiocesan high school lay teachers go on strike against the archdiocese. Only two Serra teachers participate.
(May) Government lunch program on campus.
-Br. Albert Ganton, first African-American Religious on Serra faculty
-Sr. Dorothy Guarino, RSHM, first female Religious on Serra faculty and six years as assistant principal. She brings three other RSHM Sisters to the faculty.
-Varsity Boys Volleyball League Champs
-Serra student Mark Allen chosen Southern California representative to California State Convention of Thespians.
(Jan) First Search Weekend Retreat led by Fr. Philbin at the Claretian Seminary, Compton. Four weekends in 1977-78 and 8 in 1978-79.
(July) Serra student Steven Lee killed in auto accident.
(Nov) Serra - St. Mary Academy Exchange Days
Search Retreat Program
New Vibrations Gospel Choir led by Mr. Mallory Matthews
1978-80, 1995-present
Mandatory parent service hours or assessment.
(Jan) Serra student Dion Ross Coleman dies after accident with a rocket at home.
-Funeral Mass celebrated by Fr. Clemens in the school gym. First funeral celebrated on the campus.
(Feb 16) Serra Drama group performs at State Convention of Thespians in Sacramento.
(May) Varsity Track Camino Real League Champs
-Serra Drama Club performs at National Convention in Muncie, Indiana
-Fr. Clemens ends five years as Serra principal. Longer than any of his predecessors.
-Br. Edwin Johnson, eleventh principal and first African-American principal
-30th Anniversary Testimonial Banquet held at Hacienda Hotel, El Segundo. 300 guests including five former principals.
-Supervisor Kenneth Hahn presented Br. Johnson with a county proclamation at the Board of Supervisors on the day prior to the dinner.
(May) Varsity Track Camino Real League Champ
(May) Varsity Track Camino Real League Meet and Dual Meet Champs
(May) Varsity Track CIF-SS Champs
(Nov) Varsity Football Camino Real League Champs
(Dec) First Serra football team to go to CIF-SS Finals. Received runner-up plaque
(March) Varsity Basketball Camino Real League Champs
(May) Varsity Track Camino Real League Champs
(May) Varsity Track CIF-SS Champs
-Baseball field named Lewis Joshua Memorial Field after student who died during a target practice accident with his cousin from Texas.
(June) Fr. James Clarke (C'71) and Fr. Lawrence Bartasavich (C'69) ordained priests by Cardinal Manning.
(Oct 5) Br. Edwin Johnson ordained a deacon by Cardinal Manning in the Serra gym. 28 priests con-celebrated with the Cardinal.
Old band room (500) converted into school chapel
(April) Br. Johnson met with Br. Robert Juenemann discussing possibility of getting foundation assistance for Serra's financial aid program
(May) Varsity Track Camino Real League Champs
(May) Varsity Track Camino Real League Dual Meet Champs
(May) Varsity Track CIF-SS Champs
(June 19, 2pm) Br. Timothy Kenney (Serra C'70) ordained a priest by Auxiliary Bishop Thaddeus Shubsda
(June 20) Fr. Kenney celebrates first Solemn High Mass at St. Lawrence Martyr, Redondo Beach
(Sept) Revival of Back-to-School Night after ten-year absence.
1982 (?)
(June) Death of Mr. Hoped Balakian, dedicated business teacher for 25 years. Death sudden, shortly after the close of school.
-First computer (an Apple) arrives on campus
(July) Br. Robert Juenemann conducts luncheon for 14 business and professional men in the Serra library. Northrop Corp. Community Relations Director, David Jones invited the various executives. Northrop covered the expense of the luncheon.
(Sept) Serra senior Lloyd Walker honored by 200 people including 77th Street Police Division at St. Anselm Church for saving a newborn baby's life on a bus ride to school.
-Brother Juenemann acquires a donation of ten computers from Hewlett-Packard with a large supply of software valued at $50,000
-Archdiocese funds the conversion of a classroom into a computer lab
-Class of '64 has family picnic on campus after 20 year reunion
-Fr. Patrick Philbin, twelfth principal and teacher at Serra since 1974. Last Marianist priest- principal.
(March) Varsity Basketball Camino Real League Champs
(May) Varsity Track Camino Real League Champs
(Fall) -8th grade boys of the feeder schools invited to spend a day on campus
-Victory shrub planting
-Bicentennial of the death of Father Serra. Cardinal Manning and 24 priests concelebrate Mass for faculty and students.
(Nov) Varsity Football Camino Real League Champs
1984 (?)
Two batting cages constructed where current staff parking lot stands. New home dugout constructed.
-First Development Board meeting held and chaired by J. Thomas McCarthy, a prominent attorney. The board consisted of 20 community leaders and three ex-officio directors.- Development Board approves "Serra 700" campaign to raise $700,000 over three years
-Fr. Philbin acquires peacocks, other birds and rabbits for the campus
-Five additional computers purchased and fifteen donated for computer lab
-Six of the eight sections of bleachers on westside of stadium are replaced. Last two sections replaced in 1986.
-Br. Juenemann hires Milton Simpson (Serra Class of '80) as first Serra development director. He updates alumni directory, sends out quarterly newsletter and financial appeal.
(Feb 16) Testimonial Dinner honoring 34 people who have rendered outstanding service to Serra or the community.
(March) Varsity Basketball Camino Real League Champs
-Varsity basketball advances to CIF finals at the Long Beach Arena but loses to Mater Dei High School
(May) Varsity Track Camino Real League Champs
-Class of '65 has family picnic on campus after 20-year reunion
(May 9) Pope John Paul II declares Junipero Serra "venerable."
(June 20) Br. Albert Glanton died unexpectedly while serving on the Serra faculty. His Funeral Mass was celebrated at Maria Regina Church by Fr. Philbin and 16 concelebrants.
(Fall) Serra selected as one of five sites in the archdiocese to host a regional reception for the new Archbishop Roger M. Mahony. Because of rain the reception was moved from the stadium to the gym. Thirty parishes were represented.
-Sr. Patricia Foster, CSJ, begins 6 1/2 years as vice principal. She brings four other CSJ Sisters to the faculty
(Oct 24) Alex Haley, Pulitzer Prize winner and author of "Roots" visits campus to address businessmen's luncheon and student assembly.
1985-88, 96-97, 2000-present
Development director position
-Ralph M. Parsons Foundation gives a $100,000 unrestricted grant to Serra
-Weingart Foundation provide $100,000 grant for renovation of the science lab
-Varsity basketball team wins all Camino Real League games for the first time
(March) Varsity Basketball Camino Real League Champs
(March 8) Varsity basketball advances to CIF-SS Finals against Mater Dei High School at the LA Sports Arena with 8700 fans in attendance. Serra loses 86-59
(May) Alumni picnic on campus. Over one hundred attend.
(May 17) Br. Johnson ordained a priest by Bishop John Ricard, SSJ, at the Marianist parish in San Jose.
(Nov) Varsity Football Camino Real League Champs
Br. Stephen Johnson, thirteenth principal and last Marianist principal
(Sept 17) Pope John Paul II gives address on Ven. Junipero Serra at Carmel Mission during U.S. visit.
(Nov) Varsity Football Camino Real League Champs
-Fenced area north of visitor's bleachers turned into vegetable garden and biological preserve by Mr. James Crowell and biology classes
(May) Varsity Track Camino Real League Champs
(Jun) Deon Figures graduates and attends University of Colorado. Wins Jim Thorpe trophy in 1992 and selected in NFL's first round by the Pittsburgh Steelers in 1993.
(July) Msgr. Charles Hill fourteenth principal and first non-Marianist principal
(Sept) Pope John Paul II presides at Beatification Mass for Fr. Serra at St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City, Rome. Msgr. Hill attends.
(Nov) Varsity Football Camino Real League Champs
Kairos Retreat Program
(Jan) First catering company hired to operate cafeteria.
(Feb 1) Fr. Clemens becomes first Serra principal to enter eternity
(Apr 13) Four students in car accident on Van Ness near 77th. Sean Andrews and DeMar Harper die. Auxiliary Bishop Carl Fisher attends both funerals
(Summer) Second catering company replaces first in operating cafeteria
-Mr. James Crowell, fifteenth principal, first lay person and Serra graduate (C'70). He had spent fourteen years on the Serra faculty.
(Sept) Father-Son Day held
(Oct 17) Revival of articulation dinner with pastors, principals and eighth grade teachers. Ten out of nineteen invited schools participate.
(Nov 5) Revival of Mother-Son Communion Breakfast. Thirty families participate.
(Nov) Varsity football team ends regular season with 14-0 record. Coach Leo Hand
(Nov) Varsity Football Camino Real League Champs
(Dec) Dr. Loretta Morris of Loyola-Marymount conducts coed feasibility study of Serra and feeder schools.
(Dec 9) First CIF-SS Football championship against Lompoc High School
(Jan 9) Gardena City Council honors Varsity football team.
-Faculty lounge enlarged
-Stadium and gym scoreboards donated by Normandie Casino and anonymous donor ($25,000)
-New press box constructed
-New stadium lights ($16,000) and PA system ($1,100) installed
-New gym floor ($60,000) installed
-25 large wooden tables constructed for lunch area
(Nov) Varsity Football Camino Real League Champs
(Spring) -Enrollment low of 266
-First recruitment video "Environment For Success," created.
(Sept) First female (108) students attend Serra.
-225 freshmen arrive
-Cost of the conversion of three restrooms, a locker room and shower room is $400,000
(March) Varsity basketball team receives runner up plague in CIF-SS finals
(July 6) June graduate Lonnell Venson dies due to drive by shooting near his home.
(Nov) Varsity Football Camino Real League Champs
(Nov 19) First annual exchange with teacher and students from Oki Gakuen, Fukuoka, Japan. No visit in 1998, 1999, or after 9/11/01.
(March) Varsity Basketball Camino Real League Champs
Varsity basketball team captures CIF-SS and State Championship. Coach Dwan Hurt (Serra C'81).
(Apr 5) Darryl Harts (C'80), police academy graduate (1992) killed.
(Apr 7) Akeli Jackson receives John Wooden High School MVP Award by the LA Athletic Club at the Biltmore Hotel
(May) Bronze statue of Fr. Serra donated by Mr. William Hannon.
(June 7) New statue of Fr. Serra blessed by Fr. Roland Bunda.
(June 12, 10am) Graduation of 40 seniors in the gym - smallest number since the first graduation in 1953
Dr. Arthur Hernandez, sixteenth principal
(Aug) Marianist Provincial Administration decides to withdraw Marianists from Serra at end of school year.
(Sept 28, 5pm) Marianist Provincial Fr. Timothy Eden meets with Serra Marianist community to inform them that Marianists will withdraw from Serra in June, 1994.
(Nov) Varsity Football Camino Real League Tri-Champs
(Feb) Two members of Marianists General Administration from Rome visit campus.
(March) Varsity Basketball Camino Real League Champs
(May) Varsity Track Camino Real League Champs
Varsity Track wins CIF-SS Championship for first time.
(May 13) Farewell luncheon for Marianists.
(May 29, 11am) Farewell Mass celebrated by Marianist Provincial. Thirteen Marianist served as principal, four priests and nine brothers. Slightly more than a hundred Marianists served on the faculty including Br. Leo Rausch (25 years) and Br. Charles Boglitz (33 years)
-Mr. Michael Griffith, seventeenth principal and first African American lay principal.
-First campus girls softball field installed
(March) Varsity Basketball Del Rey League Champs
(March) Varsity Boys Basketball receives runner-up plaque in CIF-SS Finals
(May) VarsityTrack Del Rey League Champs
(July) Vietnamese Lovers of the Holy Cross Sisters move into old Brothers' Residence, establish it as their Motherhouse and Novitiate.
Rotating class schedule
-Sixty hours of Christian service and reflection papers added to graduation requirements.
-Booster Club re-established. Sponsors running of snack bar for school at football and basketball games.
(March) Varsity Basketball Del Rey League Champs
(Spring) Second recruitment video created.
(May) Boys Track Camino Real League Champs
(May) Varsity Boys Track wins CIF-SS Championship
(June) Varsity Boys Track CIF 4x100 Relay State Champs
(June) Fr. Mark Warnstedt (C'75) ordained a priest by Cardinal Mahony.
(Aug 26) Fr. Sabato "Sal" Pilato, eighteenth principal and seventh principal in ten years.
(Nov) Class of '76 has family picnic on campus after 20-year reunion
-Serra classes of the 1960's hold joint reunion dinner dance
(Nov 4) Blessing of new campus Blessed Sacrament Chapel and establishment of the Way of the Cross by Fr. Pilato, Fr. Gallardo and school faculty.
(Nov 12) First Mass in new chapel and reservation of the Blessed Sacrament.
Annual Fall play and spring musical re-established.
-Ahmanson Foundation gives a $150,000 endowment grant.
-Crucifixes and Marian images replaced where missing in classrooms. Divine Mercies image of Jesus donated for all classrooms and library.
-Wood carved statues of the Blessed Virgin and St. Joseph donated by Bishop Alemany High School. Placed in Serra Library. Originally from Alemany Chapel damaged in Northridge earthquake.
(March) -New statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus given to Fr. Pilato by Mary Star of the Sea High School. Statue is blessed and enshrined in the new campus chapel.
-Statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary acquired in 1960 is refinished and enshrined in campus chapel
-Varsity Basketball Del Rey League Champs
-National Evangelization Team (NET) from St. Paul Minneapolis Archdiocese begins conducting annual class retreats
(May) -Annual May Crowning Mass re-established.
-Varsity Boys Track wins CIF-SS Championship
(May 31) First Annual Excellence in Education Dinner. Nine feeder schools participate. Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Sartoris is guest speaker.
(Summer) Interior of most rooms on campus painted.
(July) New religion curriculum and sequence established. All courses use the new "Catechism of the Catholic Church"
(July, Aug) All Venetian blinds repaired, cleaned and re-installed.
-Vice Principal's office moved out of main office into office adjacent to academic counselors.
-New ASB Constitution ratified.
-Forty used 386 computers donated by Notre Dame High school. All computer lab stations have working computer and seven computers are placed in library for the first time
-Room 500 (former auto shop, band room, chapel, art room) converted into humanities/journalism lab with ten computers and first Internet access on campus. All juniors take American history and literature in two-hour block.
-Flemish glass installed in chapel windows
-new handbooks complete consultative process.
(Aug, Sept) South section of home bleachers replaced and painted and North sections of home bleachers repaired and repainted.
-LA Southwest College begins offering college unit courses on campus during the school day
-Choir class re-established
-30 trees and planters added to student parking lot, interior of campus, and baseball, softball area.
-Assembly Hall (Room 405) refurbished with permanent seating donated by St. Mary Magdalen Parish, Camarillo
-Outdoor basketball court added to north side of gym.
-18 outdoor night lights installed in front of campus, student parking lot, west end of stadium, faculty yard and parking lot.
-Dad's Club re-established.
(Nov) Varsity Football Mission League Co-Champs
(Summers) Exterior of all campus buildings painted.
(Jan) Wall dividing attendance and health offices removed to form new registrar office.
(Feb/Mar) Re-parceling of Holy Cross Convent property leads to new faculty parking lot, entrance, drive way, girls softball field, dugouts and batting cage.
(Feb) Weekly Way of the Cross on the Fridays of Lent during religion classes re-established.
(Mar) -Varsity Basketball Del Rey League Champs
-Varsity Basketball receives runner up plaque in CIF-SS Finals
-Second Annual Excellence in Education Dinner. Nineteen schools participate. Bishop Sartoris is speaker.
-Student parking lot lights and poles replaced
-Donation of 40 computers, technical support for installation and teacher in-service from Raytheon Corporation acquired though Dad's Club President Mel Jackson.
-Weight room interior wall removed and walls painted through Dad's Club funding
(May) Varsity Boys Track wins CIF-SS Championship
(June) Varsity Boys Track places second in State Championship competition
-Hungarian artist Isabel Piczek commissioned to create nine stained glass windows for campus chapel.
-New lighting and stainless steel lines in cafeteria.
(July) Bookstore remodeled
(July/Aug) Creation of new photography darkroom with 21 workstations.
-Room 401 is converted into a choral room with permanent risers and storage closet.
-Boy's locker room renovated
-Stadium snack bar renovated
-Bronze statue of Fr. Serra moved from courtyard to school facade on mounted pedestal with spotlight
(Fall) After school reading and math specialists acquired through Title I funds
-All Serra girls' teams move from Del Rey to Camino Real League
-New PTO Constitution ratified eliminating most appointed board positions
-New tabletops counter and sinks in biology lab.
-Twelve-person computer station constructed in north end of library.
-Installation of tile mosaic of Our Lady of Guadalupe by artist Rose Portillo on west exterior wall of girls locker room. Garden planted at shrine.
-Chapel renovations include closure of most transoms, installation of reredos, statue platforms, repainting, and replating of tabernacle, candlesticks and most sacred vessels.
(Oct) New stage drapery in gym installed.
(Oct 8) Regional archdiocesan high school teacher in-service held on campus. Sr. Mary Angela Shaughnessy, SCN, guest speaker. Over 400 teachers and administrators attend.
(Oct 20) Solemn Blessing of Fr. Serra's statue and school facade, library, main office, photography dark room, athletic fields, cafeteria, boys locker room, snack bar, gym and stage, choral room, assembly room and chapel tabernacle followed by Consecration of School to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Fr. Pilato presides. School faculty, staff, ASB and PTO officers attend.
-Holy Cross Sisters purchase old Brothers' Residence from the Archdiocese after rezoning and reparceling of property.
-Archdiocesan Archivist Msgr. Francis Weber gives first class relic (bone) of Blessed Junipero Serra to Fr. Pilato.
-Class of '78 has class reunion dinner dance on campus.
(Dec 15) Solemn Blessing of Our Lady of Guadalupe shrine by Fr. Pilato. Artist Rose Portillo addresses student body. Donor Louis Audet in attendance.
(Jan) Two additional coaches offices added to weight room through Dad's Club funding.
(Feb) -Regional Youth 2000 Eucharistic weekend retreat held at Serra. 1200 attend.
(Mar) -Statue of St. Therese of Lisieux and rose garden established outside north windows of assembly hall.
(Mar) Varsity Boys Basketball wins CIF-SS Championship
(May) Varsity Boys Track wins CIF-SS Championship
(May 1) Third Annual Excellence in Education Dinner. 23 feeder schools participate. US Marine Corp. Brigadier General Michael Aguilar (C'68), recent graduate Clarence Banks (C'98), Archdiocesan Superintendent Dr. Jerome Porath, and new Education Foundation Executive Director Hugh Ralston are guest speakers.
(May) First female ASB President, Christiane Bell, elected.
-first annual inner city elementary schools soccer tournament hosted at Serra
(Summer) All school lockers repainted and repaired
-homerun fence and baseball visitor dugout installed
-new floor tile in the cafeteria and two classroom wings
-upgrading and networking of computers in the library and computer lab.
-installation of Internet in library and computer lab.
-development of extensive religion curriculum guide for teachers.
-Addition of first three Piczek stained glass windows to the chapel
-addition of French to the foreign language program.
-creation of St. Joseph Alumni park by old book store includes removal of asphalt and installation of sprinklers, shrubs and lawn.
-Most Serra boy's teams leave Del Rey and return to Camino Real League. Basketball remains. Football moves from Mission to new Angelus League.
-addition of eight trees to the student parking lot.
(Oct 1) Dedication of outdoor shrine/garden in honor of St. Therese.
(Oct 21) Former Occidental College President and Serra grads attending Occidental announce in assembly that Serra is one of 20 high schools nationwide selected to receive full 4 year Occidental scholarship each year for top graduate.
(Winter) Repair of bell system and installation of new fire alarm system.
(Jan) Kevin Sims begins term as development/alumni director.
(Feb) Fencing and roofing of home dug out
(Mar) Varsity Boys Basketball wins CIF-SS and regional championships
-2nd "Youth 2000" on campus
-Dedication of outdoor shrine in honor of St. Francis and blessing of renovated dugout.
(March 25) Fourth Annual Excellence in Education Dinner. 22 feeder schools participate. Dr. Theodore Mitchell, Occidental College President and Helena Conley (c'98) are guest speakers.
(Apr) Addition of four more Piczek windows to chapel.
(May) Varsity Boys Track wins CIF-SS championship
(May 24) Weingart Foundation provides $100,000 grant for two year funding of development office.
-Boys Varsity Track wins CIF State championship and participates in national competition.
-Boys Varsity Track team flies to Sacramento for legislature presentation.
(July) Storage facility added to north athletic fields.
-Networking of all classrooms and one computer in each classroom that did not have one.
-New bookstore added to south end of cafeteria. Activities office moves to old bookstore.
-New development/alumni office moves to old activities office.
Painting of gym interior and banners and art replacement.
(Fall) Creation of an instrumental room with storage closet in Room 500. First band class since 1966.
-New outdoor basketball, volleyball and tennis courts added south of baseball field.
(Sept 3) Pope John Paul II presides at Beatification Mass for Pope Pius IX, Pope John XXIII and Fr. Chaminade. Marianists celebrate 150th Anniversary of Father Chaminade's death.
(Sept 18) Serra High's Golden Jubilee Year begins with Mass of the Holy Spirit.
(Sept 29) Archangel icons in chapel are blessed on feast day. Fr. Pilato acquired them in Jericho in August.
(Oct 13) Stadium blessed and named for Angie Kretzschmar during homecoming half time. Alumni party followed.
(Oct 14) Library blessed and named for Robert Lynch. Golden Jubilee dinner dance followed.
(Oct 15) Fr. Jorge daSilva, SM presides at Golden Jubilee Mass. Room 405 is named Fr. DaSilva Hall. Picnic followed.
(Nov) Varsity Football Angelus League Champs
-New tutorial program begins through a $50,000 grant from the Parsons Foundation.
-Addition of the last two Piczek stained glass windows to chapel.
(Dec) Department of Catholic Schools approves Development Board's change of status to Advisory Board.
(Dec 8) Golden Jubilee Mass for faculty, students, and board celebrated by Cardinal Mahony. He re-dedicates the school during the Mass and blesses the new chapel stained glass windows before the Mass.
(Dec) $200,000 of initial funding is provided by the Fritz Burns Foundation for an all-weather track.
-$41,000 is provided by the Dan Murphy Foundation for two chapel windows, chapel air conditioning, and three outdoor tile murals.
(Feb) Varsity Girls Soccer becomes first Serra girls team to go to play-offs.
-Serra releaguing proposals approved by CAA
(Mar) Addition of a Jewish Seder meal/prayer service to the weekly Lenten Activities.
(Mar 14) New Cardinal Francis Nguyen Van Thuan blesses medals for Serra students and staff.
Fr. Pilato acquired them in Rome and touched them to the Porta Sancta and statue of St. Peter in St. Peter's Basilica.
(Apr 7) Fifth Annual Excellence in Education Dinner. Twenty-five feeder schools participate. Fr. Donald Merrifield, S.J., PhD, Loyola Marymount University Chancellor is guest speaker.
(Apr 11) New outdoor Stations of the Cross are solemnly blessed.
(Summer) Convent renovations begins. Chapel and dining room are enlarged. Garages are converted into bedrooms. Large classroom is constructed.
-School bookstore is expanded.
-Two storage facilities are added to athletic fields.
(July) The Doheny Foundation provides $100,000 and the Leavey Foundation provides $175,000 for the all-weather track project.
(Aug 27) School year begins with 503 students surpassing 500 for the first time in fifteen years.
-Boys Varsity Cross Country Camino Real League Champs (first Serra non-football, basketball, track league championship in 24 years.)
-Varsity Football Angelus League Champs.
-Fruit trees planted north of visitor's bleachers and in faculty yard.
(Nov-March '02)
Construction of all weather track.
(Feb) Boys Varsity Basketball Del Rey League Champs
(Feb & Mar) Installation of three Piczek outdoor tile murals by main office, activities office, and south wall of 400 wing.
(Mar 11-13) WASC visitation and six year accreditation.
(March 19) Bishop Sartoris dedicates newly renovated convent chapel. Sir Daniel Donohue visits Serra campus before Dedication Mass.
(March 21) First track meet held on campus in years.
(April) Sixth Annual Excellence in Education Dinner. Seventeen feeder schools participate. Gary Liebl (Class of '59) is honored as first "Serra Immortal."
(May) Girls Varsity Track Camino Real League Champs. First Serra girls league championship in ten-year coed history.
-Boys Varsity Track Camino Real League Champs.
-School year ends with eleven out of thirteen Serra teams going to play-offs.
-$75,000 is provided by the Hannon Foundation for the stadium's entrance plaza.
(July) Gardena grants building permits for chemistry lab expansion and snack bar construction.
-Chemistry lab expansion begins after a year delay.
(July 25) Sudden death of Track and Cross Country Coach Richard Gatlin. In his nine-year Serra tenure, his teams earned one state championship, seven CIF championships, and six league championships.
(Summer) Fitness center/weight room remodeled and new equipment purchased through $49,000 grant of the Simon Foundation.
(Aug 29) School year begins with 579 students - largest enrollment in 31 years.
(Fall) Serra receives three teachers through Loyola Marymount University's P.L.A.C.E. Corp.
-Holy Family shrine erected on northeast corner of track in Coach Gatlin's memory.
-Addition to chemistry lab.
(Sept 20) Mrs. Cynthia Simon, Simon Foundation President and wife of gubernatorial candidate Bill Simon takes part in ribbon cutting and blessing ceremony of fitness center.
(Oct) President George W. Bush nominates Dana Gioia (Class of 1969) to serve as Chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts. Gioia is confirmed by the US Senate.
(Nov 30) L.A. Sheriff's Deputy David Powell (Class of 1978) is killed in the line of duty.
(Nov) Varsity Football Angelus League Champ.
(Nov-Dec) Bleachers repaired and painted.
(Dec) Cafeteria PA system re-installed.
(Dec 13) Varsity Football undefeated until CIF-SS finals against Lompoc High School at Serra.
(Jan) Monthly Eucharistic Adoration begins on campus.
(Feb 1) Advisory Board member John Watkins is one of six recipients of the 14th Annual Cardinal's Award at the Beverly Wilshire in Beverly Hills.
(Feb) First Girls Varsity Soccer Camino Real League Championship for Serra.
(Mar 19) Sir Daniel Donohue and board members of the Dan Murphy Foundation visit campus.
(Apr 12) Seventh Annual Excellence in Education Dinner. Twenty-six feeder schools participate. A.J. Rogers MD (Class of 1971) is honored as second "Serra Immortal"
(Spring) Brick tree planters/benches installed
(May) First Girls Varsity Softball Camino Real League Championship for Serra.
-Boys Varsity Track Del Rey League Champs
-Boys Varsity Track wins CIF-SS championship
-Girls Varsity Track wins first CIF-SS championship for Serra High School
(June) New stadium PA and speakers installed in time for commencement.
(Summer) Stadium lights repaired, second batting cage installed, AC added to main office, shower stalls installed in boys locker room.
(Dec) Vocations in Progress (VIP) Clubs begin. Twenty young men and twenty young women join in first year.
(Jan) Cheer squad competes at ESPN national cheer competition at Disney World, Florida.
-Softball bleachers constructed.
(Feb) Girls Varsity Basketball Camino Real League Champs
-Girls Varsity Soccer Camino Real League Champs
(March 1) Student Body and faculty walk to Gardena Cinema on Crenshaw to view Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ.
(March) Lenten assembly speakers include Bishop Sartoris, Cheryl Ward and former Angel Darryl Miller (brother of Reggie Miller).
-Baseball scoreboard installed. Brick barbeque completed
(Apr 2) Hannon Entrance Plaza ready for track dedication.
(Apr 3) Blessing and dedication of the Thomas McCarthy Track. Ms. Kathleen Leavey McCarthy and family members present for dedication and Eight Annual Excellence in Education Dinner. Twenty-six feeder schools participate. Joe Nally is guest speaker.
(May 19) Retired U.S. Marine Corp Brigadier General Michael Aguilar (Class of 1968) addresses student body and is honored as third "Serra Immortal."
(May) Boys Varsity Volleyball Camino Real League Champs
-Boys Varsity Track CIF-SS Champs
(June 11) Class of 2004 breaks the $2 million mark ($2.5) in college scholarships at graduation.
(June 26) Serra High School is recipient of radio station the Beat's 4th Annual Hoodie Award for Best High School. Dean of Students Dwan Hurt (Class of 1981) represents Serra at the awards presentation at the MGM Grand, Las Vegas.
(Summer) South parking lot repaved and striped.
(Aug 20) School year begins with 602 students.
-Enrollment hits the 600 mark for the first time since 1971.
-Calendar includes fall final exams before Christmas with a three-week Christmas vacation and a two-week Easter vacation.
(Fall) Good Shepherd and St. Michael shrines erected on east side of athletic field.
(Sep 28) Senior class visits Museum of Tolerance.
(Oct. 19) Blessing and dedication of the Hannon Entrance Plaza. Hannon Foundation board members present.
(Dec) Athletic office constructed on northwest corner of gym.
-Girls Varsity Basketball Camino Real League Champs
-Boys Varsity Basketball Del Rey League Champs
(April 3) Kurt Altenberg C'61 dies suddenly. Last development board chair and first advisory board chair.
(April 8) School Requiem Mass for Pope John Paul II who died April 2.
(April 16) Ninth Annual Excellence in Education Dinner. 20 feeder schools participated.
(April 28) Dwan Hurt, C'81 inducted in the CYO Hall of Fame.
(May) Boys Varsity Track CIF-SS Champs
(June 15) Baccalaureate Mass and Awards Ceremony - Sir Daniel Donohue in attendance.
(June 17) Class of 2005 earns $4.8 million in college scholarships and achieves 94% college attendance.
(Summer) Poles and nets installed on north field
-New snack bar, ticket booth and restrooms constructed at south end of football field.
(Aug) Senior Class is the largest since 1969.
(Aug. 29) William F. Burch Architects present proposal and drawings for new gym and theater complex.
(Sept. 28) New pews installed in chapel.
(Oct. 27) Marianist Brother Frank "Skip" Matthews, S.M. (Class of 1958) addresses student body and is honored as fourth "Serra Immortal."
(Jan 7) Visiting high school boys basketball team from St. Patrick College, Sydney, Australia plays Serra team followed by dinner and Mass.
(Jan. 20) Student Body and faculty walk to Gardena Cinema on Crenshaw to view C.S. Lewis' The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.
(Feb 8) Boys Varsity Basketball Del Rey League Champs
(March 3) Boys Varsity Basketball CIF-SS Champs
(March 18) Annual Day of Retreat for Parish Pro-Life Leaders in the Archdiocese conducted on campus. Fr. Frank Pavone of Priests for Life is speaker. Model Mario St. Francis speaks to youth track.
(April 8) Tenth Annual Excellence in Education Dinner. Nineteen feeder schools participated.
(May) Boys Varsity Track Del Rey League Champs
(June 17) Class of 2006 earns over $5.5 million in college scholarships and achieves 96% college attendance.
(July 5) Ignatius Press founder and Ave Maria University Chancellor, Fr. Joseph Fessio, SJ, celebrates Mass in campus chapel on his way to a speaking engagement in Australia.
(Summer) New stadium press box constructed. Old snack bar converted into restrooms. Several buildings re-roofed.
-David Williams, C'81 inducted in National Football Foundation's College Football Hall of Fame.
(Oct. 30) Regional archdiocesan high school teachers and staff in-service held on campus. Sr. Mary Angela Shaughnessy, SCN, returns as guest speaker.
(Jan 30) Angie Kretzschmar dies.
(Feb) New school marque installed
(Feb 5) Fr. Stan Fortuna, CFR speaks to students in assembly.
(Feb 8) Funeral Mass for Angie Kretzschmar held in Serra gym followed by reception in cafeteria.
(Feb 26-27) Abbot Edmund McCaffrey gives faculty/staff Lenten retreat.
(March 17) Annual Retreat for Parish Pro-Life Leaders again conducted on campus. Actor Eduardo Verastegui is in attendance.
(March 24) Eleventh Annual Excellence in Education Dinner. Twenty-one feeder schools participated.
(April 19) Junior Olivia Woods dies after long battle with cancer.
(May) Boys Varsity Track CIF-SS Champs
(June 15) Class of 2007 earns over $6.6 million in college scholarships and achieves 100% college attendance.
(Summer) Major technology upgrade to all classrooms, library and gym.
Father Timothy Kenney '70; ordained 1982
Brother Frank "Skip" Matthews '58
Brother Dennis Schmitz '66
Brother James Wisecaver '60
Other Religious
Father James Reites, SJ (Jesuit) '55; ordained 1971
Brother Maurice Nelson, OCSO (Trappist) '66
Father Charles Carpenter, MAP '66
Diocesan Priests
Father Lawrence Bartasavich '69; ordained 1981 for L.A.
Father James Clarke '71; ordained 1981 for Los Angeles
Father Charles Devine '54; ordained 1965 for San Bernardino
Father Charles Goraieb '65; ordained 1991 for Phoenix
Father Wayne Goulet '66; ordained 1974 for Phoenix
Father Robert Head '58; ordained 1974 for Salt Lake City - R.I.P.
Father James Orsini '57; ordained 1974 for Honolulu
Father Frank Prieto '55; ordained 1964 for Santa Fe
Father Mark Warnstedt '75; ordained 1996 for L.A.
Br. Charles Boglitz, SM, Diary of a High School, 1998
Fr. Sabato Pilato, Letters to the Carrie Estelle Doheny Foundation, 1997, 1998, 1999
Plaques, trophies, banners at Serra High School
Please send corrections or additions to Fr. Pilato, c/o Serra High School