International Space Station Program (ISSP)
Junipero Serra High School
Only nine schools in the nation will be participating in this unique program during the 2022-23 academic school year, and Serra High School is one of those nine. A team of our students will design, program, engineer, and send an original science experiment to the ISS in the Spring of 2023. They will collaborate to achieve this task according to NASA guidelines, learning multiple new skills in the process. The experiment will remain on the ISS for one month, during which time, the astronauts will download data to our students, so they can analyze and draw conclusions from their experimentation. The results will add knowledge to the field of scientific endeavor and the entire process will be life-changing for our students.
This program is one example of strengthening STEM education for all our students. We invite you to join the Serra Family to take advantage of this and other transformative educational experiences that build capability and character.
This ISS opportunity is being made available by the Quest Institute for Quality Education of San Jose, California.
For more information contact: Mr. Irvine - ISSP Mentor - [email protected]