75th Anniversary Gala

Package Information:
Diamond Title Sponsor: $50,000
– Three tables (30 guests). Name/logo featured on website, video, step and repeat, program book, social media post/newsletter, event signage, podium recognition. Full-page ad inside cover. Premium wine service.
Gold Sponsor: $35,000
– Two tables (20 guests). Name/logo featured on website, program book, social media posts, and event signage. Podium recognition. Full-page ad in program. Premium wine service.
Silver Sponsor: $20,000
– One table (10 guests). Name/logo displayed on any event signage, newsletter, and social media. Podium recognition. Half-page ad in program book. Premium wine service.
Bronze Sponsorship: $10,000
– One table (10 guests). Name/logo displayed on any event signage and over social media and newsletter. Half-page ad in program book.
Blue and Red Sponsor: $5,000
– One table (10 guests). Quarter-page ad in program book.
Cavalier Sponsor: $2,000
– Sponsor your fellow alumni and staff. Your sponsorship includes 1 table (10 seats) and creates an opportunity for fellow alumni to attend the gala at a reduced rate. Contact Advancement Office – [email protected].
Dinner Sponsor: $35,000
– Event signage, newsletter, social media, and podium recognition.
Bar Sponsor: $8,000
– Event signage, newsletter, social media, and podium recognition.