About Us » Goals & Objectives

Goals & Objectives

Goals and Objectives

Goal 1: To strengthen and develop the spiritual well-being of our students.

  • Catholic Christian values will be promoted in all facets of school life.
  • All students will participate in a four year program of religious studies.
  • All students will participate in a four year program of Christian service to the community.
  • Students, faculty and staff will participate in liturgical celebrations and other spiritual exercises.
  • Students, faculty and staff will conduct themselves in accordance with Christian values at all times.

Goal 2: To strengthen and develop the intellectual well-being of our students.

  • The curriculum will meet state, Archdiocesan, U.C. and Cal State requirements and guidelines.
  • Each department will offer a sequential, age-appropriate program of classes.
  • All students will be provided with a comprehensive course of studies that is challenging.
  • A variety of electives (within the limitations imposed by a small school) will be offered to meet the interests and needs of the students.
  • Students will be challenged to think critically and independently in all courses and to recognize that learning is a lifelong process.
  • Students will be able to communicate effectively, reason clearly and analyze constructively.

Goal 3: To strengthen and develop the social well-being of our students in order to prepare them to be active members of the family, Church, and society to which they belong.

  • Positive and consistent discipline will emphasize personal responsibility, accountability and good work habits in all aspects of school life.
  • Personal, familial, civic, and moral responsibility will be stressed and/or reinforced in all aspects of school life.
  • The guidance program will encourage student responsibility, independence, and self-discipline.
  • Student activities and athletics will provide opportunities for students to develop and demonstrate responsibility, leadership and teamwork.
  • Cultural awareness and appreciation of ethnic diversity will be stressed and/or reinforced in all aspects of school life.
  • A variety of extracurricular social activities will allow students to develop their social skills in a safe, supervised and positive environment.

Goal 4: To strengthen and develop the physical well-being of our students.

  • A variety of athletic programs will help students develop self-discipline and positive health habits.
  • The importance of good physical health and an active lifestyle will be taught in physical education and health classes as well as the athletic programs.
  • Respect for the body as a temple of the Holy Spirit will be stressed and/or reinforced in all aspects of school life.

Goal 5: To strengthen and develop a familial atmosphere that fosters close collaboration among students, school personnel, and parents.

  • The school will encourage the involvement of students, parents and personnel in the appropriate aspects of school life.
  • Personnel will make themselves available to students and parents in order to assist students to reach their educational goals.
  • The school will support and encourage dialogue and open communication among all school constituencies.
Goal 6: To promote increased success and professional competency among our faculty.

  • The school will encourage professional growth for all personnel.
  • The school will provide regular in services to improve teacher competence.
  • Teachers will be regularly supervised and evaluated.
  • Teachers will keep abreast of the current trends in education, subject area knowledge and methodology.
  • Teachers will be able to teach students with a variety of achievement levels and learning styles.
  • Teachers will treat students with the dignity due any child of God.